Time for my #meatlessmonday dinner while watching Outlander, then, back to the grant proposal 😅
Actually the actual evaluation form didn't ask for a lot of changes but I'm super not satisfied with my lit review and want to give the best damn proposal I can give.
Hi you know how people who aren't veg*ns do #MeatlessMonday ?
Everyone who isn't wearing masks took up #MaskedMondays ? It's the first day of the week for a lot of retail places, so the air is cleared out. Keep it going for an extra day with masks.
Do you no longer wear a mask? Could you commit to #MaskedMondays?
Please boost! Let's make it happen.
#CovidIsNotOver #Covid #COVIDisAirborne #mask #MaskUp #compassion #love #solidarity #MutualAid #Mask4You #PleaseBoost
#MeatlessMonday #MaskedMondays #CovidIsNotOver #covid #COVIDisAirborne #mask #MaskUp #compassion #love #solidarity #mutualaid #Mask4You #pleaseboost
C. Is a bolt gun to the head painless and without suffering? Sure it's better than #kosher or #halal (right? 🙃 https://www.isahalal.com/news-events/blog/why-halal-slaughter-humane ) but is it completely painless and without suffering? Wouldn't a philosopher with 50 years of ethics and morality experience question this assumption of a 'painless kill'? Is one second of pain equivalent to no pain? Does that mean one punch in the face for a second is ok?
D. Are they really 'allies'? Or are they 'enemies'? Are they more aligned with an omnivore or a #vegan? Who would they associate and connect with more? Is this whole baby step/stepping stone/ #MeatlessMonday situation just a tokenistic way to make people feel better about themselves without doing much about anything (a #CheatDay or 4, per week, is allowed right? Right?). Where are all these allies, 50 years worth, of people, switching over to realising what they are doing is cruel to the animal? Wouldn't 50 years of baby steps from Princeton, be enough to reach Melbourne by now?
3/n 🧵
#vegans #veganism #GoVegan #VeganForTheAnimals #AnimalRights #VeganRant #VeganForTheCheatDays
#kosher #halal #vegan #MeatlessMonday #cheatday #vegans #veganism #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #animalrights #veganrant #veganforthecheatdays
A simple dal (w/Beluga lentils) cooked with a Chettinad-style masala, then topped with cashew coconut lime cream, dots of hot smoky pepper chutney, toasted coconut shreds and cilantro. #MeatlessMonday
I wish that Americans could be convinced to just do a #MeatlessMonday occasionally.
According to a Gallup poll, in 2018 only about 5 percent of Americans were vegetarian, a slight decrease from 1999.
We were in a bright, colorful test kitchen and I was preparing to take my first bite of a dumpling filled with pork that had been grown in a vat just across the hall. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2023/03/14/lab-meat-pork-fork-good/
@mentallyalex @benhaube
If more people just did a #MeatlessMonday once a month or so it could have a huge impact. It's not about all or nothing. It's about doing the best you can and vegetables and fruits are so awesome they're worth focusing on one day of the week.
Heavy whipping cream is not a great addition to a #MeatlessMonday recipe recommendation. #JustSayin but I get your point. I wish that I'd known how milky liquid could alleviate the pain from capsaicin the first time I tried Thai food for sure.
For a meatless monday hint, the chili cooking tip you didn’t know you needed…until now. A spoonful of peanut butter (or similar nut butter) will elevate your chili to cook off first prize. What’s your secret chili ingredient?
Went into tonight’s dinner without a plan, so I opted for a meal starter: Trader Joe’s Meatless Mandarin Orange Chicken Morsels. I roasted the morsels and Brussels sprouts, stir-fried green bell peppers and sautéed in orange sauce, then tossed it all together to get a glaze over everything.
#MeatlessMonday #MeatlessEveryday
#MeatlessMonday #meatlesseveryday
one of the smartest and coolest ppl here mentioned they don't use hashtags.
I am shook.
#butIuseHashtags #amiLame #UncoolNoob?
and for good measure:
#COVIDisAirborne #FuckThePolice #AdoptDontBuy #MeatlessMonday
#butiusehashtags #amilame #uncoolnoob #COVIDisAirborne #fuckthepolice #adoptdontbuy #MeatlessMonday
Shortcut Frankie roll. I made the potato filling & toppings yesterday; this AM I pressed a thin layer of the filling onto a wheat tortilla, put potato side down on a hot non-stick pan for 2 min, then piled on salted red onion, pickled green chili, cilantro, grated carrot and a touch of garlic vegannaise before folding it up and destroying it. 5 min #plantbased #breakfast perfection for #MeatlessMonday or #Veganuary. #HappyOmnivore
#happyomnivore #veganuary #MeatlessMonday #breakfast #plantbased
Please try to burn less fossil fuels tomorrow than you did today for our planet's sake and oh yeah tomorrow is #MeatlessMonday too as well as MLK holiday I think.
Purple rice maki with spicy tuNO (chickpea this time) and avocado. Reader, it looks messy because I forgot the avocado and had to unroll the maki to add it. It IS good though! I suck, but my plant-based sushi doesn't. #MeatlessMonday #HappyOmnivore
#happyomnivore #MeatlessMonday
Stems of broccoli and cauliflower roasted with garlic and onion, blended with water, bloomed spices, chickpeas and tahini, then topped with crispy crumbs of chickpea, pumpkin seed and cumin. Perfect for anyone doing #Veganuary, #MeatlessMonday or simply looking for plant-based awesomeness that veg haters will devour! #cooking
#cooking #MeatlessMonday #veganuary
The 23 Most Popular Meatless Monday Recipes of 2022 #vegetarian #recipes #meatlessmonday
#vegetarian #recipes #MeatlessMonday
Not doing Christmas means no gifts and no leftovers, so I'm also cooking a red bean, pumpkin and spinach stew inspired by this for #MeatlessMonday https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2021/11/03/black-bean-pumpkin-stew-recipe/
This wine kicks you like the king in 300
Just right for eggplant lasagne on #MeatlessMonday
Looks like #MeatlessMonday is still not a thing here, but whatever. Here’s the pot of cauliflower and lentil curry I whipped up for dinner. What I did was roast the cauliflower first to give it more of its own flavor before mixing it in. Turned out ok.
Mushroom Barley and Lima Bean Soup - one of my all-time favourites.
https://rosieschwartz.com/2022/12/05/mushroom-barley-and-lima-bean-soup-one-of-my-all-time-favourites/ #meatlessMonday