RT Open Arms ENG
After rescuing 24 people in the #Med, this afternoon #OpenArms received an alert of two vessels in distress with about 100 people on board.
When our tug was about to arrive, we have seen a Libyan militia boat in the area. They had set fire to a boat and threatened us to leave…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/openarms_found/status/1686770201033895937
RT Open Arms
¡Volvemos a zarpar! 🌊
Tras desembarcar ayer a 73 personas en Salerno 🇮🇹, la misión 102 #OpenArms vuelve a zarpar hacia el #Med central, la fosa común más grande del planeta.
Seguimos firmes con nuestro compromiso de no dejar ninguna #vida a la deriva y defender los
derechos de…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/openarms_fund/status/1684631543661154304
RT Open Arms
Seguimos navegando a bordo del #OpenArms #Misión102 hacia la frontera líquida más letal del planeta #Med, siempre con el firme compromiso de defender la vida y la dignidad de las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad.
Únete a la banda. Te necesitan.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/openarms_fund/status/1685190497948602369
I have created a "Medical AI" list of mastodon users to help colleagues get started more quickly #twitterMigration
You can add yourself here:
#ai #Med #digitalhealth #ehealth #cds #cdss #ml #MedicalAI #twitterMigration
📢EU Bluefin tuna fishing season in the #Med opens with reinforced #FisheriesControl means
We are happy to welcome experts from the 🇪🇺MS involved in this #JointDeploymentPlan to our coordination center & work🤲for #SustainableFisheries.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EFCA_EU/status/1662005750145724418
#Med #fisheriescontrol #JointDeploymentPlan #SustainableFisheries #WeCoordinate
Umso älter ich werde, umso mehr erschließt sich mir der Sinn hinter diesem Satz:
„Ich weiß, dass ich nichts weiß!“
#Sundays #Sokrates #Philosophy #Zitat #Philosophie #Medizin #Studentlife #Students #Education #Bildung #Zerreißprobe #History #Past #Med
#sundays #sokrates #philosophy #zitat #philosophie #Medizin #studentlife #students #education #bildung #zerreißprobe #history #past #Med
Reading this Wingfield and Chavez (2020) article on how experiences of racism in medicine (among Black providers/workers) vary by social location
and reflecting once again on how, when I gave birth a year ago, I was in the hospital for one entire week and in that time, every single nurse I interacted with was white and every single tech (nurse's assistant, other jobs I don't know the title of) except one was a person of color.
#MedicalRacism #Med #sociodon #sociology
RT @UN_FAO_GFCM: @UN @FAOfish 📣#Women are transforming #aquaculture in the #Med & the #BlackSea
📌#Aquaculture is a fast-growing sector and #supporting young women is #essential for its #future. Their #contributions need to be #valued and #recognized at all #levels.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_MARE/status/1625043225705586691
#women #aquaculture #Med #BlackSea #Supporting #Essential #future #contributions #valued #recognized #levels #WomeninScience
#Irlanda #Bruxelles #etichetta #vino come #sigarette Disappunto del fronte #MED @EU_Commission disconosce posizione approvata larghissima maggioranza @europarl_it #lottacontrocancro
‼️Grave via libera di #Bruxelles crea problemi distorsivi al mercato unico https://ednh.news/it/tsunami-irlanda-per-etichetta-sanitaria-sul-vino/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paolodecastro/status/1616480439102734354
#Irlanda #Bruxelles #etichetta #vino #sigarette #Med #lottacontrocancro
RT @agroklub: I to imamo #najbolji #med #pčelarstvo @marijana_petir https://www.agroklub.com/pcelarstvo/bagremov-med-opg-a-keser-proglasen-najboljim-na-svijetu/83462/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/marijana_petir/status/1615363170087968768
RT @emergency_ong@twitter.com
#Livorno In corso le operazioni di #sbarco dei 142 naufraghi soccorsi nelle notti del 18 e 19 dicembre dalla nave #LifeSupport. Nei prossimi giorni lo staff di #EMERGENCY sarà al lavoro per preparare la seconda missione. Leggi il comunicato: http://shorturl.at/aexyE #Med #diritti
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/emergency_ong/status/1605898537442504704
#diritti #Med #emergency #LifeSupport #sbarco #livorno
RT @mbernal_GFCM: #SOMFI2022 is a collective effort based on the work of ➕500 #scientists and #experts who make it the definitive reference source on #fisheries in the #Med & #BlackSea🌊
🟢Tune in #tomorrow for the launch of the publication❗️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_MARE/status/1600180924758360065
#SOMFI2022 #scientists #experts #fisheries #Med #BlackSea #tomorrow
Interested in connecting with speech pathologists and allied health professionals who are using inquiry-based / case-based learning in their local workplace clinical education / professional development programs. #AlliedHealth #AHP #SLP #SLT #education #Med #ClinicalEducation @slp_slt @slpfedi
#clinicaleducation #Med #education #slt #slp #ahp #alliedhealth
@erictopol thank you for the screenshot as the article is not open access. A question to #Med #Mastodon & to all the #Neurologist peeps- Could trauma induced by an extreme environment (loud & bright to someone allready sensitive to light & sound) + forced sleep deprivation cause CTE & ➡️ severity of MECFS symptoms. Looking for studies, especially in relation to #neurodivergent kids being taken to ER. I am looking & will be posting for the purpose of education & information.
#Med #mastodon #neurologist #neurodivergent
📊 La presenza delle #Ong in mare incoraggia davvero i #migranti a partire? Parlano i dati. Tra gennaio-maggio 2021 navi umanitarie non sono state #pullfactor, come invece sostiene report attribuito a #Frontex. Le partenze sono maggiori nei giorni in cui le Ong non erano nel #Med
#Med #frontex #pullfactor #migranti #ONG
RT @campsoscar: Buenos dias.
Rescatadas 19 personas a la deriva en aguas internacionales, 6 niños 2 de ellos bebés, y perdieron una mujer que cayó al agua. Son de Siria y Sudan: los “otros” refugiados.
Aquí seguimos en el #Med, siempre estamos, no nos fuimos y no nos vamos porque #CadaVidaCuenta
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaValenciano/status/1570321978669531136
RT @eurocrowd: EUROCROWD will participate in a roundtable on energy transition for remote rural areas in the #Med region for the #EUSEW2022
We will assess strategies for utilisation of #renewableenergy using citizen-led initiatives
📅21 September
📍#EUSEW2022 online
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/euenergyweek/status/1569256986734108672
#Med #EUSEW2022 #renewableenergy
Los traficantes de seres humanos ganan. Porque los gobiernos europeos se pliegan ante esta mafia. Por cobardía o complicidad.
RT @openarms_fund: #ULTIMAHORA
Asignado #Messina, en Sicilia como puerto seguro donde desembarcar a las 99 personas rescatadas hace 10 días #OpenArmsUno en su primera misión en el #Med
Ojalá Europa les trate bien.
#Cadavidacuenta #med
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/hermanntertsch/status/1563303806279958530
#ultimahora #Messina #OpenArmsUno #Med #CadaVidaCuenta
Ampliando el negocio esclavista y el atentado masivo contra la seguridad de los españoles. ¡Aaah! Y con dinero público y las ayudas de algunos irresponsables que buscan el favor gubernamental con el dinero de sus accionistas.
RT @openarms_fund: ¡Zarpamos!
#Astral pone rumbo a aguas internacionales del #Med central en su misión 94 #OpenArms
Seguiremos navegando mientras haya vidas a la deriva en la mayor fosa común del planeta.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/hermanntertsch/status/1561250537537937410