RT @ETSshow
Hey #SHMConverge!
Big day today!
#MedGrind meetup at 3:10 break
#MedLasso Live Trivia Night w/ me & @therealdoctort at 6:30
Info below. Both are free, come as you are!
Please share!
#shmconverge #MedGrind #MedLasso
RT @evebmd@twitter.com
This!! IYKYK. And if you don’t know- it’s #AboutDamnTime
#WIMStrongerTogether @WIMSummit@twitter.com #MedGrind #WomenInMedicine https://twitter.com/etsshow/status/1608294159731019776
#aboutdamntime #WIMStrongerTogether #MedGrind #WomenInMedicine
This!! IYKYK. And if you don’t know- it’s #AboutDamnTime
#WIMStrongerTogether @WIMSummit #MedGrind #WomenInMedicine
RT @ETSshow
@PoojaPanditMD @Intelligentsia @WIMSummit @subhaairan @ShikhaJainMD @evebmd @BBankheadMD @Laxswamy @pccm_doc @SocietyHospMed @shangib1999 @DocWithBowtie @james_mclaugh Come to @WIMSummit in 2023, we will definitely try to run it back
There’s gonna a ton …
#aboutdamntime #WIMStrongerTogether #MedGrind #WomenInMedicine
RT @ETSshow
Having a bespoke #MedGrind coffee blend from @Intelligentsia at the @WIMSummit this year is, without a doubt, the coffee highlight of 2022!
Here’s to lots more #MedGrind fun in 2023!
Using the same coffee mug twice in one day is Good Vibes!
RT @DrJenChen4kids@twitter.com
@austinchanning@twitter.com My husband’s used a Hario Skerton burr hand grinder for ~ 10 years; it’s an arm workout but then don’t have to worry about blackouts! He makes espresso and sometimes cold brew. Ping whoever’s still around on #MedGrind for more input @ETSshow@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrJenChen4kids/status/1593902621412057088
This is Elite Activity!
Sign up #MedGrind!
CC @subhaairan@twitter.com @KhouryMD@twitter.com @panagis21@twitter.com @laxswamy@twitter.com @aoglasser@twitter.com @TheLizArmy@twitter.com @DRsonosRD@twitter.com @BBankheadMD@twitter.com @AmyOxentenkoMD@twitter.com @TraumaSoapBoxes@twitter.com @DocWithBowtie@twitter.com
H/T @shangib1999@twitter.com
RT @shangib1999@twitter.com
‼️Calling all #medgrind friends for a holiday Coffee Exchange! Sign up with the link to be matched with a friend to exchange a bag of beans. Sign up by Dec 7th to be matched!‼️ https://www.elfster.com/gift-exchanges/2868282c-85ba-463b-b483-e5630415cf25/?join=mjg2
#nursetwitter #medtwitter #twitteRx
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/shangib1999/status/1593384170218295303
#MedGrind #nursetwitter #medtwitter #TwitteRx
RT @ETSshow
“I need to have coffee around me at all times!”
@james_mclaugh from @Intelligentsia joins Explore The Space Podcast to discuss our shared love of coffee & how it’s impacted by #climatechange
Pour yourself a cup & enjoy!
“I need to have coffee around me at all times!”
@james_mclaugh@twitter.com from @Intelligentsia@twitter.com joins Explore The Space Podcast to discuss our shared love of coffee & how it’s impacted by #climatechange
Pour yourself a cup & enjoy!
RT @bananaP08
@cd_fuller @DrLesterColl This is our set up, and then we have a Bevita drip for if we have company and need a whole pot #medgrind
On these cold winter mornings, don’t forget to pre-warm your coffee mug prior to brewing!
Proud of this one. Probably the most fun house project I’ve worked on so far.
Converted our 1950s brick indoor barbecue into a butcher block coffee corner. Power washed all the soot off and painted it, added lights and shelves, built a frame in the fire pit to level everything and then cut a butcher block to fit, sanded, piled and then waterproofed it.
Photos with the completed project and then added all my coffee gear. #MedGrind #CoffeeMastodon
At least we’re all enjoying some coffee in the midst of all this
Appreciate you @TheRealDoctorT@twitter.com
RT @TheRealDoctorT@twitter.com
It started with a crack in the wall.
It was subtle, so subtle I almost didn’t notice it. But once I saw it, I couldn’t unsee it.
I had moved into this housing complex several years ago. I had made friends here. I had made a life here.
But we have a new landlord now. 1/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TheRealDoctorT/status/1591114482914410498