With PCORI support, CMSS has partnered with @patientled. to develop a series of scorescards to improve inclusion of patients in the research process:
The webinar on Thursday, January 26th at 3pm ET will cover 2 scorecards:
➡️Patient/Partner Governance
➡️Patient Burden
The webinar on 2/2 will cover how to improve your scores:
What is actually being done to help w/the pediatric med shortages?!
Just a few op-eds & media pundits blaming lockdowns? Do we know if anything is actually being done?! Bc it’s getting worse & scary af. #medtwitter #peds #pedsincrisis #MedMastondon
#medtwitter #peds #pedsincrisis #MedMastondon
@gabrieldane A dear colleague of mine (physician) calls me at least once a week to remind me that I can and should say no, along with validating that my efforts are worthy. We all need people like that in our lives. Even as a retired doc (maybe 82?), his empathetic intuition is amazing, even as he feels he is losing other mental capacities. I now try to make a conscious daily effort to emulate the gift he gives me by doing the same to others. #empathy #MedMastondon #mentalhealth
#empathy #MedMastondon #mentalhealth
This study seems to suggest that heavy red meat diets are Major depressive disorder protective, and that diets heavy in non-oily fish may either contribute, or not protect against MDD (somewhat to my dismay) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36162666/ #MedMastondon
I did it! Actually cut the cord and deactivated the other account. Content archived, tweets deleted. Why was that so hard?
#twittermigration #MedMastondon
Good luck & Godspeed to all the applicants who hear about fellowship match tomorrow!
Proud of you all! You’ve worked your tails off!
No matter what happens tomorrow - you are an exceptional physician!
#fellowship #matchday #IDMastodon #MedMastondon
The best bridge between despair and Hope is a good night's sleep
G’night to All #MedMastondon from 🏴