#mondaymotivation pro tip: write down your todo list so that thing sticks for real. #MedSchool
you are right on both accounts. Happy to chat at some point. I'm also reaching out to some colleagues at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx to see if they would be interested in being connected so they could use the Energize game in their sustainability club for education/engagement.
At the #medschool level, most #climateaction is through advocacy via the Planetary Health Report Card: https://phreportcard.org/
I am a #pediatrics #infectiousdisease #physicianscientist at #UCSanDiego #MedSchool #PharmacySchool who studies #bacterial #pathogens, #innateimmunity, #antibioticresistance, #vaccines, and #DrugDiscovery
I’m involved extensively in interdisciplinary research program development, #PhD, #MD, #PharmD and dual degree training, and EID initiatives at UC San Diego and beyond
On twitter I do a lot of memes
#Science #introduction #pediatrics #infectiousdisease #physicianscientist #UCSanDiego #MedSchool #PharmacySchool #bacterial #pathogens #innateimmunity #antibioticresistance #vaccines #DrugDiscovery #phd #md #PharmD