Once the sound of a gigantic voice issuing from the tiny opening of the cave called #Oweynagat, the cave of cats, frightened away the heroine or goddess Erne and a group of maidens from Cruachan, the great capital of the province of #Connacht. `Taking with her the comb (symbol of feminine potency) of her mistress, the great queen #Medb, Erne took her party northward to a lake in which they all drowned.` This is how the river Erne (an Éirne in Modern #Irish) and the lake from which it rises gained their names.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @NeuKelte
#Celtic #WyrdWednesday: #Odras was the wife of a cattle lord. She refused to let one of her cows mate with the bull of the Mórrígan. The goddess…
#Oweynagat #Connacht #Medb #irish #celtic #mythology #folklore #WyrdWednesday #odras
Queen #Medb of #Connacht seems to have been eager to get rid of the king of #Ulster. Before marching into his territory the consulted #druid prophesied that her son Maine would kill king #Conchobar. None of Medb`s 7 sons had that name, so she renamed them all.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @Celtic_Films
Medb asked a Druid which of her seven sons would kill Conchobar, he replied, "Maine".
Maine Athramail ("like his father")
Maine Máthramail (…
#Medb #Connacht #ulster #druid #Conchobar #celtic #mythology #folklore
#Fergus Mac Roich was obliged to fight to the death against his own foster son #CúChulainn so that Queen #Medb's army could invade #Ulster. To save face and the life of a hero, they agreed that this time the younger CúChulainn would give way, but next time Fergus would. And so it came to pass.
RT @NeuKelte
#Celtic #FairyTaleTuesday: Muirgen, son of #Ireland’s chief bard, Seanchán Toirpéist, called up the ghost of the great warrior Fergus at his grave.…
#Fergus #cuchulainn #Medb #ulster #nonviolence #celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #ireland
“A wine made from honey, #mead figures in a number of #Celtic myths and legends as a drink favored by warriors. Its most consistent mythological association is with the goddess/queen whose name is the same as the drink, #Medb, and who represented the intoxication and danger of kingship.”
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
#mead #celtic #Medb #mythology #folklore
„The names of the #Irish goddess #Medb and the #Gaulish goddesses #Meduna and the #Comedovae may be derived from an Indo-European word *médhu– signifying ‘honey’, ‘intoxication’, and designate the fermented drink extracted from honey, that is ‘mead’. If this etymology is correct – other possibilities have been suggested -, their names may be therefore glossed as ‘Goddess of Intoxication by Mead’ or ‘Mead Goddess’.“
#irish #Medb #Gaulish #Meduna #comedovae
King Chonchobar Mac Nessa was able to stop the fight between #Loegaire, #Conall Cernach and #CuChulainn at #Bricriu's banquet. #Sencha the Wise advised to appoint #Medb and #Ailill as arbiters. Only these kings were able to divide the hero's bite in such a way that no new dispute broke out for the time being.
Source: Sylvia Botheroyd `#Ireland`
RT @aliisaac_@twitter.com
Curadmír | The Champion’s Portion http://aliisaacstoryteller.com/2017/01/30/curadmir-the-champions-portion
#Loegaire #Conall #cuchulainn #Bricriu #sencha #Medb #Ailill #ireland
#Celtic #MythologyMonday: If I could amend myth, queen #Medb of #Connacht would be stopped from the #TainBóCuilgne by the original prophecy of the druid #Fedelm: “I see crimson, I see red.” It would save the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of warriors.
#celtic #mythologymonday #Medb #Connacht #TainBóCuilgne #Fedelm
Was Bricriu Nemhthenga a villain or just a bitter-tongued poet? Bricriu is said to have been killed near the #Ulster lake that bears his name, Loughbrickland, where he made a slighting remark about the sexual appetite of queen #Medb and was brained by her lover Fergus mac Róich.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @lorraineelizab6@twitter.com
Bricriu incited 3 heroes #CúChulainn, Conall Cernach & Lóegaire Búadach, to compete for the champion's portion at his feast. In every test that is set Cú Chulainn comes out top but neither Conall nor Lóegaire will accept the result! Red the beheading story! #FolkloreThursday
#ulster #Medb #celtic #mythology #folklore #Cúchulainn #folklorethursday
Bricriu Nemhthenga made a slighting remark about the sexual appetite of queen #Medb and was brained by her lover Fergus mac Róich.
A villain or just a poet with a poisonous tongue?
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @lorraineelizab6@twitter.com
Bricriu incited 3 heroes #CúChulainn, Conall Cernach & Lóegaire Búadach, to compete for the champion's portion at his feast. In every test that is set Cú Chulainn comes out top but neither Conall nor Lóegaire will accept the result! Red the beheading story! #FolkloreThursday
#Medb #celtic #mythology #folklore #Cúchulainn #folklorethursday
Once the sound of a gigantic voice issuing from the tiny opening of #Oweynagat, the cave of cats, frightened away the heroine or goddess Erne and a group of maidens from Cruachan, the great capital of the province of #Connacht. `Taking with her the comb (symbol of feminine potency) of her mistress, the great queen #Medb, Erne took her party northward to a lake in which they all drowned.` This is how the river Erne and the lake from which it rises gained their names.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
#Oweynagat #Connacht #Medb #celtic #mythology #folklore
Queen #Medb of #Connacht seems to have been eager to get rid of the king of #Ulster. Before marching into his territory the consulted #druid prophesied that her son Maine would kill king #Conchobar. None of Medb`s 7 sons had that name, so she renamed them all.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @Celtic_Films@twitter.com
Medb asked a Druid which of her seven sons would kill Conchobar, he replied, "Maine".
Maine Athramail ("like his father")
Maine Máthramail ("like his mother")
Maine Andoe ("the swift")
Maine Taí ("the silent")
Maine Mórgor ("of great duty")
Maine Mílscothach
Maine Móepirt
#Medb #Connacht #ulster #druid #Conchobar #celtic #mythology #folklore
On returning from her chief druid queen #Medb met Fedelm of Cruachan. When the queen of #Connacht, hoping for victory, asked what the future of the cattle raid would be, the druid Fedelm predicted, “I see crimson, I see red.” Her words proved true, for the raid had a bloody conclusion, and many of Medb’s best warriors were killed.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @ogmios@twitter.com
Below, from the Scéla Muicce Meicc Da Thó, is a scene describing what is obviously a weaving fate fairy, named Feidelm. She belongs to Medb's entourage, and in like manner we see many other maidens of her court.
#Medb #Connacht #celtic #mythology #folklore
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney: The #EgloneStone is a huge limestone pillar, 5.5 metres high, and up to 3 metres wide, thought to be a glacial deposit known as an erratic, rather than a standing stone.
Mythology has it that whilst waiting for the battle to begin, the #TuathaDeDanann
RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney: Misguan #Medb is a fallen standing stone located near #Rathcroghan Mound.
Photo© @NeuKelte@twitter.com https://twitter.com/NeuKelte/status/1553495424518049792
#CelticSoulJourney #EgloneStone #TuathaDeDanann #Medb #Rathcroghan
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney: Misguan #Medb is a fallen standing stone located near #Rathcroghan Mound.
Photo© @NeuKelte@twitter.com
RT @NeuKelte@twitter.com
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney: Rath na Darbh means ‘Fort of the bulls’ in English. West of #Rathcroghan mound is this large circular ring fort with a considerable bank and external ditch. There are several breaks in the bank, one at the north east being a possible entrance. This is
1/2 https://twitter.com/NeuKelte/status/1553493586519490560
#CelticSoulJourney #Medb #Rathcroghan
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney: #Rathcroghan, Co. #Roscommon, (#irisch Ráth Cruachan - "The Ringfort of Cruachain") was the castle of the royal couple Ailill mac Máta and #Medb, the kings of #Connacht, one of the four and five original provinces of the country, respectively. The name
#CelticSoulJourney #Rathcroghan #Roscommon #irisch #Medb #Connacht
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney at #Rathcroghan: Nera had foreseen an attack that would occur the following year on #Samhain. Hence queen #Medb and king Ailill used this entrance to raid #Oweynagat, destroying the #Otherworldly army that would have burned their palace at #Cruachan.
#CelticSoulJourney #Rathcroghan #samhain #Medb #Oweynagat #otherworldly #Cruachan
Nua-#CelticSoulJourney at #Rathcroghan: The famous #Medb was born down here by Cróchan Crogderg. This fairy woman was `bloodred` from her skin to the hair on her head.
Patricia Monaghan asked: `Is Cróchan Crogderg another name for the Mórrígan, who also appears as a red-
#CelticSoulJourney #Rathcroghan #Medb
Once the sound of a gigantic voice issuing from the tiny opening of the cave called #Oweynagat, the cave of cats, frightened away the heroine or goddess Erne and a group of maidens from Cruachan, the great capital of the province of #Connacht. `Taking with her the comb (symbol of feminine potency) of her mistress, the great queen #Medb, Erne took her party northward to a lake in which they all drowned.` This is how the river Erne and the lake from which it rises gained their names.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
#Oweynagat #Connacht #Medb #celtic #mythology #folklore
#Celtic #LegendaryWednesday: The multicolored fabulous creature Tummuc promised Fiachna mac Dáiri that it would bring him luck. He would find a barque full of treasures on the edge of his land. In return, he was to feed it, just as his comrade in Uarán Garad was fed by #Medb from Cruachain. Fiachna found the barque and fed the animal for a year.
Source: Thurneysen, Rudolf "The #Irish Saga of Heroes and Kings up to the Seventeenth Century, Parts I and II".
#celtic #LegendaryWednesday #Medb #irish