📢 EU #MediaFreedomAct Shouldn’t Revive Dreaded Media Exemption
"The #EMFA's proposed special treatment of #media content on the internet must not end up serving as a tool 🛠️ that enables those who spread #disinformation."
👉 https://www.project-disco.org/european-union/emfa-shouldnt-revive-the-dreaded-media-exemption/
#MediaFreedomAct #EMFA #media #disinformation
🇪🇺 #MediaFreedomAct: Don’t Break What Works
"If EU policymakers want a healthy and balanced online information ecosystem, they should improve the special treatment of #media content under the #EMFA and clarify important definitions."
👉 https://www.project-disco.org/european-union/eu-media-freedom-act-dont-break-what-works/
See, this is why we need a The Crown-style #TV show but for the #history of the #EuropeanUnion
(The #EPP character arc from hero with Konrad Adenauer to 0 with #ManfredWeber would be 🔥)
#EU #UE #MediaFreedomAct #pressfreedom #journalism
#TV #history #EuropeanUnion #EPP #ManfredWeber #eu #ue #MediaFreedomAct #pressfreedom #journalism
Cal una #MediaFreedomAct ambiciosa per evitar situacions com aquesta, en què tota la dreta d'un país ataca una periodista per haver fet la seva feina: fiscalitzar i destapar fake news. Protegim els mitjans de les tendències il·liberals de Polònia, Hongria... i Espanya #Fakejóo
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González Pons: Creo que @rtve va a perder las elecciones. Y espero que al día siguiente dimitan los dirigentes de ese partido, como se hace en todos los partidos cuando pierden las elecciones a las que se presentan.
Mejor no ir. Yo ni la veo ni voy.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DianaRibaGiner/status/1681585822288543744
EU lawmakers push to enhance protections for journalists in media law https://www.euractiv.com/section/media/news/eu-lawmakers-push-to-enhance-protections-for-journalists-in-media-law/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #EuropeanMediaFreedomAct #fragmentation #funding #MediaFreedomAct
#EuropeanMediaFreedomAct #fragmentation #funding #MediaFreedomAct
RT Markus Becker
(S+) Wenn ausgerechnet das Medien"freiheits"gesetz der EU dem Einsatz von Schnüffelsoftware à la #Pegasus Tür und Tor öffnen soll... https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/medienfreiheit-in-der-eu-wie-die-mitgliedslaender-den-schutz-vor-schnueffelsoftware-verhindern-wollen-a-f4308a6a-fe6b-4dc4-98e2-16a682c88873 #EMFA #mediafreedomact @daniel_freund @repasi
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MarkusBecker/status/1680921982240522243
#Pegasus #EMFA #MediaFreedomAct
...demanded for in the EU’s #MediaFreedomAct #EMFA are not going to help. They are setting dangerous precedents for a two-tier #moderation system that is going to benefit some very prolific producers of disinformation and hatred online: Think #CNews in #France, the #DailyMail in the #UK, or any state-affiliated outlet in #Hungary and #Poland. There's a reason why even temporary ‘must carry’ obligations have been rejected in the #DSA and they should absolutely not be added to #EMFA. [4/8]
#MediaFreedomAct #EMFA #Moderation #cnews #France #dailymail #uk #hungary #poland #DSA
Re @EU_Commission @EU_Justice 3⃣ Media: Improvements in transparency of media ownership and the strengthening of the independence of public broadcasters.
Better protection of journalists needed everywhere. High time to agree on #MediaFreedomAct.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/VeraJourova/status/1676533808236036099
Pleased to address @EBU_HQ General Assembly #EBUGA.
The role of public service media is absolutely crucial also in the fight against #disinformation.
We have to balance powers in information space without introducing censorship!
My message on #MediaFreedomAct 👇 https://t.co/6Q1JhOaykO
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/VeraJourova/status/1674777130255925249
#EBUGA #disinformation #MediaFreedomAct
A partir de les 10h podeu seguir l'acte que organitza @EuropaenSuma sobre una de les legislacions més crucials d'aquesta legislatura: la #MediaFreedomAct.
Hi exposarem els nostres principals objectius per estructurar un panorama mediàtic més transparent, plural i democràtic.
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Europa en Suma: 🇪🇺 En breve empieza la jornada sobre la futura Ley Europea de Medios de Comunicación. #PrensaEuropea Si no puedes asistir presencialmente, puedes seguirlo por nuestro canal de Youtube.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DianaRibaGiner/status/1674685707896385538
#MediaFreedomAct #PrensaEuropea
RT Députés européens PPE-Fr
Les députés européens ont adopté le rapport de @GeoffroyDidier sur le « media freedom act ». Rappel à Emmanuel #Macron et au Gouvernement français : Ce règlement européen doit protéger le pluralisme, pas autoriser le flicage des #journalistes !
#MediaFreedomAct https://t.co/rBfSdUpmE3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PPE_FR/status/1674430983989526528
#Macron #journalistes #MediaFreedomAct
Gli Stati nazionali all’assalto del #MediaFreedomAct. Un mio articolo pubblicato su @ilmanifesto di oggi.
Buona lettura
#28giugno @eurodeputatipd @TheProgressives https://t.co/vZWeTgcRar
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/maxsmeriglio/status/1674008113161162753
Thank you Minister @miqueliceta for your strong support for the #MediaFreedomAct.
I warmly welcome the willingness of the #EU2023ES to get a final agreement by the end of the year.
We need safeguards at EU level to protect journalists and the media asap. https://t.co/3wfSi0MQq2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/VeraJourova/status/1673983827117502465
Weiter ging es zu einem Austausch mit Director General Viola Roberto von DG Connect, wo wir über #digitaleInfrastruktur, #Cybersecurity, #Digitalisierung und #Nachhaltigkeit, und den #MediaFreedomAct sprechen konnten. @TBBacherle @TabeaRoessner
#digitaleinfrastruktur #cybersecurity #digitalisierung #nachhaltigkeit #MediaFreedomAct
Svoboda a pluralita médií je jeden z klíčových pilířů demokracie. Mám radost, že se Rada dnes shodla na své pozici k Evropskému aktu o svobodě sdělovacích prostředků. Dík patří i @EU2022_CZ, které na návrhu pracovalo během předsednictví. 🙏🏻 Teď už jen akt co nejrychleji schválit! https://n.respublicae.eu/VeraJourova/status/1671457830388334592
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Věra Jourová: Member States agreed on their position on the #MediaFreedomAct. Congrats @Sweden2023EU!
Major step towards 1st-ever EU rules to protect media pluralism & freedom. We should all do more to protect journalists.
I hope the Parliament can work quickly and we get a final deal soon. https://n.respublicae.eu/eucouncilpress/status/1671452652104830979 https://t.co/YliprkMvMw
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/msojdrova/status/1671487556817436673
Maybe they should read PEGA final recommendations to get an idea that this will never pass European Parliament….
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Forbidden Stories: Very concerned. France is reportedly working behind the scenes to allow spying on journalists in the name of "national security" by amending article 4 of the European #MediaFreedomAct. https://t.co/z6jueRsIon
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HNeumannMEP/status/1671479226325774336
Ca suffit 🇫🇷!
L'espionnage de journalistes est illégal et doit le rester.
La liberté de la presse est un pillier de l'Etat de droit.
Et la protection des sources est indispensable.
La sécurité nationale ne peut justifier de fonctionner en dehors des lois!
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Forbidden Stories: Very concerned. France is reportedly working behind the scenes to allow spying on journalists in the name of "national security" by amending article 4 of the European #MediaFreedomAct. https://t.co/z6jueRsIon
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/saskiabricmont/status/1671455712525062147
🚨 Le #MediaFreedomAct, censé protéger les journalistes, risque finalement d'entériner l’utilisation de logiciels espions à leur encontre !
Cela constituerait une atteinte gravissime à la liberté d'informer.
L'État de droit s'incarne au quotidien, il ne se décrète pas. #EMFA
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Le Monde: A Bruxelles, la future loi sur la liberté des médias pourrait autoriser l’espionnage des journalistes https://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2023/06/20/a-bruxelles-la-future-loi-sur-la-liberte-des-medias-pourrait-autoriser-l-espionnage-des-journalistes_6178469_3234.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/emmanuelmaurel/status/1671878694418386944
Thank you @piratkolaja for your support for the #MediaFreedomAct.
We agreed we need to work fast and adopt the proposal as soon as possible to provide necessary safeguards to protect independent media across the EU. https://t.co/FvmLJNSDNk
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/VeraJourova/status/1669007305378021382
RT Věra Jourová
Member States agreed on their position on the #MediaFreedomAct. Congrats @Sweden2023EU!
Major step towards 1st-ever EU rules to protect media pluralism & freedom. We should all do more to protect journalists.
I hope the Parliament can work quickly and we get a final deal soon. https://n.respublicae.eu/eucouncilpress/status/1671452652104830979 https://t.co/YliprkMvMw
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EU Council Press: #EMF…