#MediaLens | When Truth Becomes Silence: #Glastonbury’s #Cancelling Of A Powerful Film About #JeremyCorbyn
#documentary #corbyn #OhJeremyCorbyn #jeremycorbyn #cancelling #glastonbury #MediaLens
Recently I engaged in another failed attempt to persuade #MediaLens to join #Mastodon
I found the same concerted efforts to avoid this place that I have found from all left wing commentators.
You see, as much as the left criticise wealth and power, they seem very stuck on corporate social media. And that's the problem I think. Many, many people happily put their trust into companies like Meta.
So some people probably won't come until Meta comes.
You see, the news that Corbyn's wife is part of a group to unseat Starmer ...
Maybe Corbyn and his wife should join #Mastodon. They might be interested in a people-led alternative to bullshit corporate #SocialMedia.
I'd send him an email but I'm all out of fucks to give ... The last email was to #MediaLens and they weren't interested.
It seems they love being on sites that incorporates one of the 5 filters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_model #ads
#ads #MediaLens #socialmedia #Mastodon
Hmm. So I contacted #MediaLens to ask them why they're not on the #Fediverse
They replied that their tech advisor "sees serious problems with Mastodon. Caitlin Johnstone and Benjamin Norton have both noted problems with suspensions"
So I searched for Johnstone and Mastodon and found a tweet where she seems to be surprised her lazy #CrossPosting account got suspended.
#Mastodon #socialmedia #crossposting #Fediverse #MediaLens
"It’s all a game to be played for profit"
#MediaLens | Souls For Sale – The #Times Interviews #NoamChomsky
This is good. It's about how #media types don't follow the truth, only sell themselves and ideas in a commercial system.
I haven't finish reading it though.
#media #noamchomsky #times #MediaLens
Just reading #MediaLens "If millions of corporate men and women fundamentally perceive themselves as products to be sold on the job market, the question of non-conformity, of challenging corporate society, does not even arise."
I've been saying this for ages about the left wing commentators on #SocialMedia
#MediaLens | ‘That Paper Is Dead’ – The Power Of #Propaganda
#Media #US #BBC #War #journalism #UK
#uk #journalism #war #bbc #us #media #propaganda #MediaLens
#MediaLens | ‘That Paper Is Dead’ – The Power Of #Propaganda
#war #bbc #us #media #propaganda #MediaLens
Good read, about the power of propaganda from #MediaLens
#MediaLens | #Harry The ‘Traitor’ And Lynch ‘The Grinch’
This is an interesting look at the #media response to #PrinceHarry's #book
What I find interesting about all the memes that get sent around is how they EXACTLY conform to the #propaganda in the corporate media. Funny that.
#propaganda #book #princeharry #media #harry #MediaLens
Harry The ‘Traitor’ And Lynch ‘The Grinch’ – The Corporate Media’s Automatic Smear Machine https://www.medialens.org/2023/harry-the-traitor-and-lynch-the-grinch-the-corporate-medias-automatic-smear-machine/ #medialens
‘Nearly Every War Has Been The Result Of Media Lies’: Julian Assange, State-Corporate Media And Ukraine https://www.medialens.org/2022/nearly-every-war-has-been-the-result-of-media-lies-julian-assange-state-corporate-media-and-ukraine/ #MediaLens
Media Lens: ‘Damned Fun’ – ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ And The Military-Entertainment Complex
#MediaLens #TopGun #War #USA #Army #NATO #Propaganda #Movie #Film #News
#news #film #movie #propaganda #nato #army #USA #war #topgun #MediaLens
The problem with #Medialens is that they make the same points over and over about #Chomsky, #MedisBias #ClimateChange and the death toll of the #IraqWar
These are important points that need to be made, especially because they are regularly ignored by corporate media, but it makes their articles quite bland to read.
And that is a problem. It's like if you've read one article, you've read them all. To educate people I think a bit more variety would go a long way. #media
#media #iraqwar #climatechange #MedisBias #chomsky #MediaLens
'.. the only #Japanese #military base in the entire world is.. in Djibouti City.. #France – in its capacity as former colonial power, it is omnipotently present and hosts both #German and #Spanish forces. #italy has its own base, while the US have been there for roughly 18 years.. '
After reading a #MediaLens article about #Ukraine it's hard not to think of #Yemen too. Could #BabElMandeb be the next worse crisis? Even more countries involved in a confrontation?
#BabElMandeb #yemen #ukraine #MediaLens #italy #spanish #german #france #military #japanese
'Spot all the high-profile commentators who condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine…
…and who remain silent about or support:
* Invasions of Afghanistan & Iraq
* NATO’s destruction of Libya
* Saudi-led coalition bombing of Yemen
* Apartheid Israel’s crushing of Palestinians '
#MediaLens quotes #NoamChomsky #HowardZinn #JohnMearsheimer #JohnPilger and #FAIR to deal with #WhatAbouterry and #WeAreNoBetter regarding #Russia and #Ukraine vs. #USA #UK and #Yemen #Iraq ...
#iraq #yemen #uk #usa #ukraine #russia #WeAreNoBetter #WhatAbouterry #fair #johnpilger #johnmearsheimer #howardzinn #noamchomsky #MediaLens
I know you don't care but here's #MediaLens with their take on the fate of the #BBC
Save The BBC? In Whose Interests?
#MediaLens #bbc #SaveTheBBC #media #climate #bias #LicenseFee
It's hard to defend an institution like the BBC when it has failed the #public so often and for so long. And it has always been the mouthpiece of the establishment: pro-western foreign policy, pro-royal, etc.
If it turns into a #subscription service I'll never have to watch it again.
I'll wait for #MediaLens and/or #JonathanCook to post articles on scrapping the TV license. I'm sure they'll have something worth reading.
#public #subscription #MediaLens #JonathanCook