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: Gunman Cited Racist “Great Replacement” Conspiracy Theory Popularized by Fox News

The mass shooter who killed 10 people in Buffalo, , on Saturday posted a racist manifesto online before targeting a majority-Black neighborhood. His writings took heavily from conservative conspiracy theories that white people were in danger of being replaced by people of color. This so-called Great Replacement conspiracy theory has been promoted by major far-right media figures including
of Fox News. “What it does is create a dynamic where believers view immigrants and nonwhite people as an existential threat not only to themselves physically but to their position in society,” says McCannRamírez, associate research director at , who has researched how Carlson uses his show to launder
ideology. We also speak with prominent scholar
, who says mainstream conservatives are increasingly parroting extremist talking points.

#democracynow #BuffaloMassDhooting #BuffaloMassacre #newyork #tuckercarlson #nikki #MediaMatterforAmerica #whitenationalist #AntiRacist #IbramXKendi

Last updated 2 years ago