Hätte ich mir eigentlich denken können. 👍
Vielleicht weiß jemand aus der #Medibubble wie @docjosiahboone mehr zu den #Corona #Schnelltests und warum sie evtl. bei einem Kind "falsch positiv" sein könnten?
#Medibubble #Corona #Schnelltests
I would like to know how a #dnr works for someone who wants to be an #organ #donor #organdonor .
Could some #medical people please weigh in?
Please #boost so I can get a wider feedback, thanks
#dnr #organ #donor #organdonor #medical #boost #Medibubble
@zdfheute oh jeee, da freut sich die #medibubble bestimmt 🤦♀️
Wenn ich bspw einen Kuchen backe, besorge ich als 1. die notwendigen Zutaten und stelle nicht die leere Backform bei 180° in den Backofen - oder so -
Es ist doch längst bekannt, dass es gewaltige Sicherheitsbedenken gibt #DSGVO ? Und zudem - wie war das noch mit diesem Internet ? Hat schon jemensch so einen Milchkannen-Nachweis?
Vor dem Betreuten Wohnen steht ein Rettungswagen. Der Motor läuft. Keiner drin.
Gibt es einen vernünftigen Grund dafür? Stromversorgung evtl?
Gibt es eigentlich #Insidertipps, wie man einen #Verband am Fuß am besten #wasserdicht verpackt? Mein erster Versuch mit einer Plastiktüte war eher so semi. #Frischhaltefolie?
#Medibubble #frischhaltefolie #wasserdicht #Verband #insidertipps
#followerpower - Kennt jemand Psycholog:innen oder Psychiater:innen im Raum #Hannover / #Hamburg die sich WIRKLICH mit #Autismus auskennen und unter Umständen Diagnosen erstellen können. #MediBubble wer Bekanntes von mir braucht diesbezüglich Unterstützung. #retoot erwünscht
#followerpower #hannover #hamburg #autismus #Medibubble #retoot
We very gratefully received another €30 donation from someone anonymous, via our Open Collective page today.
So, we went nuts and bought more stuff.
We've had requests from @solidaritycollectives & #Kharkiv Hardcore for Individual First Aid Kits (IFAKs). The combat is heavy at the moment and they're urgently needed.
We'd love some more support. Any donation hugely appreciated!
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #medmastodon #medibubble #firstaid #tccc #tactical #medic
#kharkiv #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #MedMastodon #Medibubble #firstaid #tccc #tactical #medic
Super interesting podcast from the Prolonged Field Care Collective discussing #medevac work in the context of #ukraine
Air evac can't be effectively used in Ukraine! #TCCC guidelines based on #Iraq or #Afghanistan experience need to be updated. Casualty evacuations can take many, many hours under tank and artillery fire.
Front line combat medics need prolonged field care training.
This is worth an hour of your time.
#medevac #ukraine #tccc #iraq #afghanistan #Medibubble #Medbubble #medicine #combat #trauma
An IV catheter is inserted, then gauze is packed deep into a wound, pressure first by hand and then a pressure bandage is applied.
The catheter is inserted first, before moving the solider, as this would be difficult to do in the evacuation vehicle and a tourniquet is already stemming blood flow.
Work credited to the Ukrainian #medic, "Andryushka".
#medic #ukraine #trauma #tccc #combat #Medibubble #Medbubble
A brief guide to Haemostatic Agents
Here’s a more in-depth article on the same topic, updated more recently, even comparing at a high level the performance of the different products and clotting agents.
#firstaid #trauma #Medibubble #medbuble #medical
Finally the remainder of items ordered a few weeks ago from #RhinoRescue have arrived.
They'll be sent into our logistics network for onward delivery this week.
These specific items will be used by a #Polish volunteer medical team working in #Ukraine
There's of course always the opportunity to further support our work via our Open Collective page:
#Ukrainewar #UkraineRussiawar #medbubble #medibubble #medic #tccc #trauma #emergency
#rhinorescue #polish #ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar #Medbubble #Medibubble #medic #tccc #trauma #emergency
Patient während der Krankenpflege:
"Sie machen das aber sehr gut! Was machen Sie denn beruflich?" 😂
#krankenpflege #Medibubble #Intensivmedizin
#krankenpflege #Medibubble #Intensivmedizin
#Ukraine #trauma #tccc #medibubble #medbubble #combat #war #ukrainerussiawar
Post originally seen on Yigal Levin's Telegram channel: https://t.me/yigal_levin/49510
#tccc #Medibubble #Medbubble #combat #war #UkraineRussiaWar #ukraine #trauma
Interesting #podcast from the College of Remote and Offshore Medicine (CoRoM).
A discussion with Dr Haakon Asak and Bjørn Eidissen from the #Norwegian military. They run the aeromedical evacuation team for #EU missions. They provide weekly evacuations for the #Ukrainian military and civilian casualties. Historically, they have provided evacuation flights for the #Turkey earthquake victims and many deployments to the Middle East.
#podcast #norwegian #eu #ukrainian #turkey #ukraine #Medibubble #Medbubble #medic
Keep these paramedics supplied with the essentials they need to save lives! Support our work:
#Ukraine #combat #tccc #trauma #medibubble #medbubble
Video originally posted elsewhere by "Tim De Zitter" and reposted by World Extreme Medicine.
#ukraine #combat #tccc #trauma #Medibubble #Medbubble
Bitte unterstützen - für stabile ambulante Versogung #Medibubble #medizin #hausarzt #praxis https://chng.it/P4ZgtzTS
#praxis #hausarzt #medizin #Medibubble
Bitte unterstützen - für stabile ambulante Versorgung #Medibubble #medizin #hausarzt #praxis https://chng.it/P4ZgtzTS
#praxis #hausarzt #medizin #Medibubble
Saw this post earlier, about a hedgehog with an anti-personnel mine stuck on its back.
Reminds us that even when the active #combat in #Ukraine has stopped, the #war won't be over for the thousands exposed to such unexploded munitions.
Read this #book, "Save Lives Save Limbs - Life support for victims
of mines, wars, and accidents". Full of practical strategies for training local groups to respond to landmine injuries:
#combat #ukraine #war #book #Medibubble #Medbubble
This video shows the effort it takes to carry a wounded soldier with full gear, across an open field, on a portable field stretcher.
Originally found on this Telegram channel: https://t.me/medical_cannabis_35/116
#Ukraine #medibubble #medbubble #medicine #tccc #trauma #tactical #medics
#ukraine #Medibubble #Medbubble #medicine #tccc #trauma #tactical #medics