“There is a grave concern,” the letter [from the UN] stated, “that, if assisted dying is made available for all persons with a health condition or impairment, regardless of whether they are close to death, a social assumption might follow (or be subtly reinforced) that it is better to be dead than to live with a disability.”
Have Assisted Dying Laws Gone Too Far?
#MAiD #MedicalAssistanceInDying #DoctorsKillingPatients
#CanPol #cdnpoli
#maid #MedicalAssistanceInDying #DoctorsKillingPatients #canpol #cdnpoli #TheWalrus
She had outstanding palliative care in the final few weeks- this made all the difference to being able to let go with dignity. It was not about wanting to die. Her blood counts kept plummeting even with weekly transfusions of everything- it was a matter of time. It absolutely stuns me that we do not have #MedicalAssistanceInDying in the UK… discussions we need to have here. /fin
She (we) is (are) very lucky that she lived and was able to die in a place like Canada that allowed compassionate assistance in dying, or #MedicalAssistanceInDying. There has been a lot of discussions about this in Canada- how it may be moving too fast, as it leads the way on this movement. But for my mom and for us, it was transformational. She died in her own bed, in her own home surrounded by her children on her terms. /6
It is a year today since my mom died. I miss her deeply...
I have been reflecting on #motherhood, #mourning and #MedicalAssistanceInDying #MAiD a 🧵 … /1
#maid #MedicalAssistanceInDying #mourning #motherhood
It is a year today since my mom died. I miss her deeply...
I have been reflecting on #motherhood, #mourning and #MedicalAssistanceInDying #MAiD a 🧵 … /1
#maid #MedicalAssistanceInDying #mourning #motherhood
@douginamug Consent is insufficient: I don't even think it's right for people to kill themselves. Killing other people is only justified in self-defense, and should otherwise be forbidden by the law.
That does not mean that we need to go to extremes to keep people alive. People do have the right to refuse medical care, and at times that can be the right decision: https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2013/03/how-doctors-die/
#MedicalAssistanceInDying #killing #death
Lyman Stone 石來民 on Twitter: "TIL I learned about an insane an inhumane thing Canada is doing. It's so inhumane even the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights has condemned it. They're legalizing physician-assisted suicide (i.e. euthanasia) ***for mental illness or disability***. https://t.co/YckxYPQ0oD" / Twitter
The thread is worth reading.
(Not sure if I posted this already.)
#canpol #MedicalAssistanceInDying
Les sénateurs priés d’accepter le projet de loi C-7 ( l'aide médicale à mourir ) : https://lp.ca/hOlliv
#lapresse #canpol #MedicalAssistanceInDying #AideMédicaleÀMourir
Lyman Stone 石來民 on Twitter: "TIL I learned about an insane an inhumane thing Canada is doing. It's so inhumane even the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights has condemned it. They're legalizing physician-assisted suicide (i.e. euthanasia) ***for mental illness or disability***. https://t.co/YckxYPQ0oD" / Twitter
#MedicalAssistanceInDying #canpol #LymanStone
Wider access to assisted dying in Canada will be catastrophic for the disabled
#BarbaraKay argues that our society is proposing easier MAiD since we can't be bothered to provide proper care for the disabled, the ailing, the lonely, the dependent. We suggest their lives are burdens and that there is a way out...
#nationalpost #MedicalAssistanceInDying #canpol #BarbaraKay
Bill C-7, assisted dying and “lives not worth living” from #PolicyOptions
#canpol #MedicalAssistanceInDying #PolicyOptions
"Government representative in Senate admits Liberal assisted dying bill may be found unconstitutional"
... because with respect to #MedicalAssistanceInDying the Constitution gives no clear guidance, and therefore the courts make up the law as they see fit.
#nationalpost #canpol #MedicalAssistanceInDying