Nebraska Teen Sent to Jail Over Illegal Abortion
Celeste Burgess was arrested after Facebook turned over her private messages to police
#law #personaldata #MedicalPrivacy #privacylaw #BansOffOurBodies #abortionishealthcare #abortionrights #abortion
Six universities have already complied.
DeSantis is an immediate danger to anyone who he views as an obstacle to establishing a white-supremacist #Christofascist state, and his racist, bigoted, hateful base loves him for it.
Periodic reminder that we can not have democracy without privacy. Federal privacy laws prohibit the disclosure of personal health information. They don’t care.
#Fascism #Florida #HumanRights #Privacy #PrivacyLaw #MedicalPrivacy #Healthcare
#healthcare #MedicalPrivacy #privacylaw #privacy #humanrights #florida #fascism #christofascist
Six universities have already complied.
#MedicalPrivacy #healthcare #privacylaw #privacy
“Republicans introduce a trojan horse bill to create a public record of every abortion in Montana.“
I’ve been shouting this for years, now it’s more and more direct: #AbortionIsAPrivacyIssue #AbortionIsAPrivacyLawIssue #MedicalPrivacy #AbortionIsHealthcare
Not just the mother, but the father too.
#abortionishealthcare #MedicalPrivacy #abortionisaprivacylawissue #abortionisaprivacyissue
Trans Youths Need Data Sanctuary
#MedicalPrivacy #Privacy
I suddenly got a message --out of the blue-- from a person I literally used to hang out with at a bar in Houston something like 15+ years ago ostensibly to ask "how are we doing" but quickly got to asking if we are vaccinated.
I sent back a message asking if she's had a hysterectomy yet. I have yet to hear back.