:galician_heart: Da Escolma de Escultura de #Ourense :galician_heart:
Fíxome tanta ilusión ver o altar e a lauda fundacional de San Pedro de Rocas, os modillóns de #Celanova e a virxe A Nosa Señora do Refuxio, do #Bierzo.
A colección é impresionante, se ides a Ou non vola perdades.
#EscolmadeEscultura #Prerrománico #MiddleAges #MedievalSculpture #Arthistory #HistoriadaArte
#Ourense #Celanova #bierzo #escolmadeescultura #prerromanico #middleages #MedievalSculpture #arthistory #historiadaarte
The cathedral of Laon has got the best non-chimeric animal sculptures I've ever seen. There are 16 oxen that look slightly stoned (pun not intended). There is no documentation why those common beats of burden are such a dominant feature, only a medieval legend about their miraculous help during construction. #MedievalSculpture #gothic
More information: https://aleteia.org/2018/02/26/why-are-oxen-perched-on-the-cathedral-of-laon/
Are you lovely people interested in #grotesque sculptures and #gargoyles from #medieval churches? I saw some prime examples this summer and find them amazing inspiration for creature/character design. Have a look at these beauties from #Metz cathedral: #MedievalSculpture
#MedievalSculpture #metz #medieval #gargoyles #grotesque