#aros has been chosen by Apollo core as main operative system for their #VampireV4 standalone. http://www.apollo-core.com/index.htm?page=products quite pricey I dare say but it's "real new hardware".
I just wish I could have money and time to throw away on this and #Mega65 😁🤩
(that said, i don't do much for the #MEGA65 any more; at one point the whole BASIC65 development went wrong, there was a bit of a fight and I decided it's time to leave because the way things are now, an 40-years-old BBC micro runs circles around the MEGA65, programming-language-wise; and I very much wanted it to become a machine that's enjoyable to code on directly)
Nevertheless, it's a wonderful machine and the people are great! ;-))
@chn @herr_irrtum @flavigula @torstentorsten
the M65 community otoh is really nice. big bunch of likeminded people, embracing openness and shunning 'mainstream social media', just like me ;-)
I really liked it there. I only stopped developing for the #MEGA65 because music taking more of my time (and because in my humble opinion, BASIC65 went in a completely wrong direction. but no hard feelings)
RT @JudgeDrokk
A #FAQ for those who may be interested in the #MEGA65 but not sure exacty what it is... 🧑🎄👍
Welcome to the club batch two owners.
Link - https://files.mega65.org/html/main.php?ar=ce6ac468-b8d7-4d4d-b191-1feabb92946c
Also.. http://mega65.org
MEGA65 in prevendita
Il MEGA65 può essere acquistato in prevendita.
Gran bella macchinetta, erede ideale del Commodore 64 e del mai commercializzato 65. Il progetto è libero ma se volete un esemplare sono "solo" 794€ IVA e spedizione compresa.
Bellissima macchina, ripeto, ma non rietro tra le persone disposte a spendere una cifra del genere.
#Hardware #Commodore64 #Mega65
#Mega65 #commodore64 #hardware
@lealternative ci sono progetti che grondano nostalgia come miele da un favo ma sono completamente liberi: #Mega65 per esempio!
@iswyrm @filippodb quasi identico all'analogo #Mega65 con una differenza sostanziale: il Mega65 è interamente libero, anche l'hardware