More #Foreven Megacorps 3/3
Chimp Integrated Technology Solutions (Meitner Alliance) — These uplifted simians repair electronics, manage computer systems, and recover data.
Multiple Jump Discharge (Akaiya Zhatanoe) — Vargr jump drives and power systems.
Tiigait Farms (Three Hundred Jumps) — K’Kree agricultural combine, free-range horticulture.
#TravellerRpg #MegaCorps #WorldBuilding #Traveller5 #ClassicTraveller
#foreven #travellerrpg #MegaCorps #worldbuilding #traveller5 #ClassicTraveller
More #Foreven Megacorps 2/3
Blaoon Business Services Incorporated (Victory’s Debt) — Hiver accounting, financial services, risk management, and insurance provider.
Transit Space Cargo (Young Suns) — Aslan logistics and secure transportation
InteliSea (Dolphin Khanate) — Quality ship sensors and systems, designed for easy use without hands.
Hillcrest Healthcare (Hillcrest Autonomous Zone) — Biotech, cloning, geneering, and cybernetics.
#foreven #travellerrpg #MegaCorps #worldbuilding #traveller5
Megacorps of my #Foreven sector
Marsanne Estates — Agricultural goods, luxury and exotic foods.
Faliero Arsenal Group — Personal weapons to ship spinal mounts.
Ukayme Pharmaceuticals — Drugs, from painkillers to anagathics.
Kelem Shipyards — Traders and Gunboats, 200 to 2000 tons.
Guan Heavy Industries — Mining, refining, and manufacturing.
Andel Instruments — Ship sensors and scientific lab equipment.
#TravellerRpg #MegaCorps #WorldBuilding #Traveller5 #ClassicTraveller #VeniceInSpace
#foreven #travellerrpg #MegaCorps #worldbuilding #traveller5 #ClassicTraveller #veniceinspace
Which do you think #plutocrats & #megacorps prefer?
A) Use #AI #automation to improve/maintain physical/economic #infrastructure to save the planet & ppl can live better, healthier lives where jobs are optional value-add to #UBI & #UHC?
B) Use #AI to max short-term #profits, muddy information, trap #consumers, replace #workers, divide #citizens, dismantle governments, subvert #justice so ppl are disunited, poor, powerless, desperate, even grateful to serve plutocrats’ interests for scraps?
#plutocrats #MegaCorps #ai #automation #infrastructure #ubi #uhc #profits #consumers #workers #citizens #justice
If I had a nickel for every time a space corporation dropped me on a planet so I could exploit local resources and build my way off the planet, I'd have several nickels!
#Scifi #megacorps #Subnautica #JourneyToTheSavagePlanet #DeepRockGalactic #Satisfactory #SatisfactoryGame #GameDesign #TVTropes
#scifi #MegaCorps #subnautica #journeytothesavageplanet #deeprockgalactic #satisfactory #satisfactorygame #gamedesign #tvtropes
Solange das #Metaverse einzelne abgesperrte Spielplätze von irgendwelchen #Megacorps bleibt, ist es für mich absolut uninteressant. Wäre es ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt, #OpenSource, nicht auf Profitmaximierung ausgelegt und mit jeder #VR-Technologie kompatibel, sähe das anders aus.
#virtualreality #meta #facebook #vr #opensource #MegaCorps #metaverse
Huge #MegaCorps like #Apple #Google #Amazon #facebook don't pay their fair share of #taxes in the #EU (and elsewhere). Why don't we just let them bleed by using the #GDPR + their constant violation of our #privacy to compensate for their #greed with adequate lawful fines? 🤔
#MegaCorps #apple #google #amazon #facebook #taxes #eu #gdpr #privacy #greed