Anyone else a bit sick and tired of all the attention the new #Megflix series is getting. I'm personally a bit bored of it now. Surely there are more important things going on in the world, rather than a couple of spoilt millionaires airing their dirty laundry in public?
#HarryAndMeghan #Netflix #Megxit #Royals #Sussexes #RoyalFamily
#Megflix #HarryandMeghan #netflix #Megxit #royals #Sussexes #RoyalFamily
Anyone else a bit sick and tired of all the attention the new #Megflix series is getting. I'm personally a bit bored of it now. Surely there are more important things going on in the world, rather than a couple of spoilt millionaires airing their dirty laundry in public?
#HarryAndMegan #Netflix #Megxit #Royals #Sussexes #RoyalFamily
#Megflix #harryandmegan #netflix #Megxit #royals #Sussexes #RoyalFamily