Megyn Kelly Diagnosed with VAIDS after Covid Shot #megynkelly #vaids #covid #vaccines #pandemic
#MegynKelly #VAIDS #COVID #vaccines #pandemic
🤔 🙄
I guess I’m naive. But I can’t believe #Megyn #Kelly🤡 has not heard that people with academic doctorates like our First Lady DR. Biden have that title. Funny how my professors in college had that title,too…No surprise, but incredibly pathetic.
#MegynKelly ripped online after criticizing Jill Biden’s ‘Dr.’ title
🔗 :
#GOP🤡 #SpeakerOfTheHouse🤡
#megyn #kelly #politics #mastodon #education #MAGA #mtg #republicans #gop #SpeakeroftheHouse #conspiracytheories #news #vote #MegynKelly #fox Disaster? Harry has the best selling book in the world. Shut your hole #MegynKelly Meghan’s is making money.
How Republicans Fed a Misinformation Loop About the Pelosi Attack
#TedCruz #MarjorieTaylorGreene #clayhiggins #MarkRobinson #MaryWilliamsBenefield #RoyceWhite #WendyRogers #AnthonySabatini #ClaudiaTenney #GlennBeck #TuckerCarlson #DineshDSouza #RyanFournier #SebastianGorka #PeteHegseth #MegynKelly #ElonMusk #DevinNunes #MichaelSavage #RogerStone #DonaldTrump #republicans #PaulPelosi #NancyPelosi
They Don’t WANT #MegynKelly speaking about ALL “THIS”
It’s soo #SADS 💔 what THEY have DONE to #HUMANITY
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They Don’t WANT #MegynKelly speaking about ALL “THIS”
It’s soo #SADS 💔 what THEY have DONE to #HUMANITY
💔 💔 💔
Video – #TulsiGabbard explains to #MegynKelly why she left the #Democratic Party - the party of #JFK and #MLK no longer exists!
#mlk #jfk #democratic #MegynKelly #tulsigabbard
Megyn Kelly asked Julian Assange, "Why doesn't WikiLeaks report dirt on Trump?" Assange replied, "There isn't any."
#jullianassange #wikileaks #hillaryclinton #podesta #trump #megynkelly
#jullianassange #wikileaks #hillaryclinton #podesta #Trump #MegynKelly
#MegynKelly Nukes Biden's Claim that the Nation Is Now 'United' and 'Healed' #JoeBiden