Was für Träumer und Romantiker - wunderschön...
Brad Mehldau in der Philharmonie de Paris spielt LITTLE BY LITTLE (von Radiohead).
#BradMehldau #Mehldau #Klavier #Piano #Jazz
...und hier das Original von #Radiohead
#radiohead #jazz #piano #klavier #Mehldau #bradmehldau
Started listening to Brad Mehldau's Finding Gabriel (2019) and was totally struck by the melancholy of Born to Trouble. It resonated so well with my own state of mind so I actually started to cry.
Every element of that song is what I love the most in music. It is as if Mehldau thought of me when he composed it.
YT: https://youtu.be/A-J8Z-zSrNU
TIDAL: https://tidal.com/browse/track/108412687