5 most recently played
- #MektonZ
- #LaMeute
- #Nightprowler
- #CyberpunkRED
- #StarWarsAgeOfRebellion
5 I want to play soon
- #VampireTheMasquerade
- #LegendOfTheFiveRings
- #HexagonUniverse
- #AnythingSuperHeroicReally
- #Champions (but minus the hero system)
#ttrpg #5and5 #MektonZ #LaMeute #Nightprowler #CyberpunkRED #StarWarsAgeOfRebellion #VampireTheMasquerade #LegendoftheFiveRings #HexagonUniverse #AnythingSuperHeroicReally #champions
So, what are your plans for this weeks (albeit already well started) #ttrpg ?
For me it's the usual club tomorrow, continuing a homemade campaign of #MektonZ and the first "club" dinner on sunday evening.
Well, more like a "hey since we already spend up to 4h after club time just chatting around, how about doing it over a meal instead ?" kinda outing. :D