"Geochemical analyses of stone artifacts reveal long-distance voyaging among Pacific Islands during the last millennium"
#Pacific #Oceania #Polynesia #Melanesia #canoe #Micronesia
#pacific #oceania #Polynesia #Melanesia #canoe #Micronesia
For Kanak independence: The fight against French rule in New Caledonia by Susanna Ounei
#Kanaky, #anticolonialism, #antiimperialism, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #Melanesia, #selfdetermination, #independence, #Kanakpeople, #FLNKS, #FrontdeLibérationNationaleKanaketSocialiste, #antiblackness, #nationalliberation, #KanakSocialistNationalLiberationFront
"Since 1984, the struggle of the Kanak people against French colonial rule in New Caledonia has consistently attracted world headlines. It has become a symbol of the new awakening of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific against more than 100 years of imperialist domination.
In the English-speaking Pacific and beyond, however, very little is known of the history of the Kanak anti-colonial struggle or the Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS), which is leading the independence fight today.
In this pamphlet, Susanna Ounei, the official representative in New Zealand of the FLNKS who has been active in the national liberation struggle since 1969, backgrounds the situation in New Caledonia today and outlines the goals of the FLNKS. Also included is the founding charter of the FLNKS."
#kanaky #anticolonialism #antiimperialism #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #Melanesia #SelfDetermination #independence #kanakpeople #flnks #frontdeliberationnationalekanaketsocialiste #antiblackness #nationalliberation #kanaksocialistnationalliberationfront
Vale Rabbie Namaliu (1947–2023), the fourth Prime Minister of #PapuaNewGuinea and one of the intellectuals who led the country to its independence in 1975.
Namaliu was among the first students of the University of Papua New Guinea. He was born and grew up in East New Britain and he was the MP of Kokopo District (the capital of ENBP) for five consecutive terms between 1982–2007.
#history #politics #EastNewBritain #EastNewBritainProvince #Melanesia
#Melanesia #eastnewbritainprovince #eastnewbritain #politics #history #papuanewguinea
Pacific Languages in Education by France Mugler; John Lynch; Kasi Ielemia; Konai Helu Thaman; Greg R. Abare; Vilisi Balawa; Byron Bender; Richard A. Benton; Alfred Capelle; Terry Crowley; Vāvāō Fetui; Pamela Gentry; Apolonia Tamata; Ernest W. Lee; Sam Drilë Léonard; Iris Bella Lui; Afamasaga Mālia Mālaki-Williams; Vincent B. Manukayasi; Jeff Siegel; Mary L. Spencer; Winston Pukoki
#Micronesia, #Micronesianlanguages, #linguistics, #sociolinguistics, #Kanaky, #Kanaklanguages, #Marshallese, #MarshallIslands, #Ebon, #KajinM̧ajeļ, #Fiji, #Fijian, #NavosavakaViti, #Niuean, #koevagahauNiuē, #Niue, #Tonga, #Tongan, #LeaFakaTonga, #CookIslandsMāori, #Māori, #PapuaNewGuinea, #Papuanlanguages, #Melanesia, #MelanesianPidgin, #OntongJava, #Luangiua, #SolomonIslandsPijin, #Pijin, #tereoMāori, #Aotearoa, #Samoan, #Samoa, #GaganafaaSāmoa, #Bislama, #Vanuatu, #ReoMāohi, #Tahitian, #Kahiki
#Micronesia #micronesianlanguages #linguistics #sociolinguistics #kanaky #kanaklanguages #marshallese #marshallislands #ebon #kajinmajel #fiji #fijian #navosavakaviti #niuean #koevagahauniue #niue #tonga #tongan #leafakatonga #cookislandsmaori #maori #papuanewguinea #papuanlanguages #Melanesia #melanesianpidgin #ontongjava #luangiua #solomonislandspijin #pijin #tereomaori #aotearoa #samoan #Samoa #gaganafaasamoa #bislama #Vanuatu #reomaohi #tahitian #kahiki
Yali’s Question: Sugar, Culture, and History by Frederick Errington; Deborah Gewertz; Anthony T. Carter
#sugarplantation, #sugarplantations, #history, #PapuaNewGuinea, #PNG, #plantations, #neocolonialism, #antiblackness, #history, #Melanesia, #anthropology, #imperialism, #migration, #emigration, #RamuSugarLimited, #RSL, #RamuSugar, #capitalism
Yali’s Question is the story of a remarkable physical and social creation—Ramu Sugar Limited (RSL), a sugar plantation created in a remote part of Papua New Guinea. As an embodiment of imported industrial production, RSL’s smoke-belching, steam-shrieking factory and vast fields of carefully tended sugar cane contrast sharply with the surrounding grassland. RSL not only dominates the landscape, but also shapes those culturally diverse thousands who left their homes to work there.
#sugarplantation #sugarplantations #history #papuanewguinea #png #plantations #neocolonialism #antiblackness #Melanesia #anthropology #imperialism #migration #emigration #RamuSugarLimited #RSL #RamuSugar #capitalism
OPEN ACCESS: Seagrass ecosystems of the Pacific Island Countries and Territories: a global bright spot. https://bit.ly/3agEzWp
#seagrass #seagrasswatch #southpacific #Melanesia #Micronesia #Polynesia #globalseagrassmonitoring #globalseagrassobservingnetwork #seagrassfutures
#seagrassfutures #globalseagrassobservingnetwork #globalseagrassmonitoring #polynesia #micronesia #Melanesia #southpacific #seagrasswatch #seagrass
OPEN ACCESS: Seagrass ecosystem contributions to people's quality of life in the Pacific https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0025326X21003416 #seagrass #seagrasswatch #seagrassfutures #Melanesia #Micronesia #Polynesia #globalseagrassmonitoring #globalseagrassobservingnetwork
#globalseagrassobservingnetwork #globalseagrassmonitoring #polynesia #micronesia #Melanesia #seagrassfutures #seagrasswatch #seagrass
Exile to Paradise: Savagery and Civilization in Paris and the South Pacific, 1790-1900 by Alice Bullard
#Kanak, #Kanaky, #genocide, #france, #frenchrevolution, #pariscommune, #newcaledonia, #colonization, #indigenouspeoples, #antiblackness, #southpacific, #exile, #whitesupremacy, #Melanesia, #history, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #thirdrepublic, #communards, #colonizers, #war, #paris, #savagery, #penalcolony, #penalcolonies, #Melanesians
According to the poet Victor Hugo, the year 1870/71 was France's année terrible. The country suffered a humiliating defeat by the Prussian military, and Parisians endured a cruel siege. In the wake of the siege, Paris exploded and revolutionaries proclaimed the birth of the Paris Commune.
The conservative government of the young Third Republic portrayed the Communards as savage destroyers of civilization. The Communards were depicted as plagued by original sin, the evil nature of fallen man, and atavistic degeneration.
#kanak #kanaky #genocide #france #frenchrevolution #pariscommune #newcaledonia #colonization #indigenouspeoples #antiblackness #southpacific #exile #whitesupremacy #Melanesia #history #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #thirdrepublic #communards #colonizers #war #paris #savagery #penalcolony #penalcolonies #Melanesians
Welcome to the mayoverse,
Where #BandcampFriday goes off every month,
But if you hashtag a nation in #Africa, the #Caribbean, or #Melanesia twice,
You're a record breaker.
#BandcampFriday #africa #caribbean #Melanesia
Passage, Port and Plantation: A History of Solomon Islands Labour Migration, 1870-1914 by Peter Corris
#SolomonIslands, #queensland, #PacificIslands, #Fiji, #Samoa, #Melanesia, #Melanesians, #britishimperialism, #australianimperialism, #indenturedservitude, #slavery, #britain, #australia, #Oceania, #antiblackness
more than 30,000 Solomon Islanders were used by colonizers to build australia and Pacific Island colonies.
#SolomonIslands #queensland #PacificIslands #fiji #Samoa #Melanesia #Melanesians #britishimperialism #australianimperialism #indenturedservitude #slavery #britain #australia #oceania #antiblackness
RT @FreeWestPapua@twitter.com
We are proud to be West Papuan. We will never be Indonesian. #FreeWestPapua #Melanesia
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FreeWestPapua/status/1303252286794354690