Radically Open Security · @ros
1 followers · 1 posts · Server infosec.exchange

“For the last 20 years, has been navigating the cybersecurity world. With her company her goal is to create better cyber security and privacy in the world! Besides being a founder of a rather cool nonprofit company, she has been a pioneer in entity forms, looking into non-extractive business and entrepreneurship.”

''We hack companies, organizations, and governments, and then we tell them how we did it, and give them recommendations on how to fix it. We do all of this with permission, of course. Another service that we offer is called an incident response, which helps victims of hacks and data breaches. We also train people on awareness and how to make their companies’ code better. However, 90% of what we do is .”


#MelanieRieback #RadicallyOpenSecurity #nonprofit #cybersecurity #ethicalhacking

Last updated 2 years ago

Deborah · @dem
82 followers · 15 posts · Server infosec.exchange

“For the last 20 years, has been navigating the cyber security world. With her company her goal is to create better cyber security and privacy in the world! Besides being a founder of a rather cool nonprofit company, she has been a pioneer in entity forms, looking into non-extractive business and entrepreneurship.”

''We hack companies, organizations, and governments, and then we tell them how we did it, and give them recommendations on how to fix it. We do all of this with permission, of course. Another service that we offer is called an incident response, which helps victims of hacks and data breaches. We also train people on awareness and how to make their companies’ code better. However, 90% of what we do is .”


#MelanieRieback #RadicallyOpenSecurity #nonprofit #cybersecurity #ethicalhacking

Last updated 2 years ago

Erik Kemp 🇪🇺 · @erikkemp
1903 followers · 439 posts · Server tukkers.online

En hier komt nog één mooi voorbeeldje van hoe een bedrijf hier ook aan bijdraagt: van , mijn favoriete bedrijf: radicallyopensecurity.com/non-

Waarom vind ik dit bedrijf zo cool?

Ze zijn nonprofit! Ze doneren alle winst aan . Die doneren het weer aan projecten zoals mastodon, maar ook allerlei andere projecten die het open (niet commerciële) internet verder helpen. Een soort trickle down economics! =)

#RadicallyOpenSecurity #MelanieRieback #cybsec #nlnet

Last updated 2 years ago

Ian Forrester | @cubicgarden · @cubicgarden
1337 followers · 2429 posts · Server mas.to

How have I never come across and @PostGrowthEnt@twitter.com?

Found via the conference on last Friday. cubicgarden.com/2021/03/14/how

#MelanieRieback #publicspaces

Last updated 4 years ago