This may be surprising to believe, but I only have one . It’s usually kinda hard to get the characters I want in my area unless you want to pay a ton for shipping. Hopefully in the future I can travel and have access to more of them. 🀞🏼

#FunkoPop #theflash #supergirl #LegendsOfTomorrow #theflashcw #cwtheflash #barryallen #grantgustin #grantgustintheflash #cwsupergirl #supergirlcw #MelissaBenoist #cwlegendsoftomorrow #legendsoftomorrowcw

Last updated 2 years ago

An upgrade is occurring tomorrow so expect downtime.
A couple of interesting features.

Add ability to translate posts - really needed tbh.
Add ability to follow hashtags - will make it easier to follow favourites. Sounds similar to Tumblr. Obviously we need to see it in practice but it sounds promising.
We believe a different edit system will be in place, but don't have specific details.

#Supergirl #AzieTesfai #ChylerLeigh #KellyOlsen #AlexDanvers #MelissaBenoist #KatieMcGrath #NicoleMaines

Last updated 2 years ago

NottaWriter · @NottaWriter
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