Zum #TagDesOffenenDenkmals empfehlen wir 2 Artikel aus unserem #Heftarchiv:
▶️ @st_samida reflektiert in fachübergreifender Perspektive über den 'Heritage-Boom', #WerkstattGeschichte 64/2014, https://werkstattgeschichte.de/abstracts/nr-64-stefanie-samida
▶️ Lotte Thaa behandelt das Berliner Freiheits- und Einheitsdenkmal als geschichtspolitische Inszenierung, #WerkstattGeschichte 65/2015, https://werkstattgeschichte.de/abstracts/nr-65-lotte-thaa
#Denkmal #Denkmaltag #histodons #Kulturerbe #Heritage #Monument #Memorial #Gedenkstätten
#tagdesoffenendenkmals #heftarchiv #werkstattgeschichte #denkmal #denkmaltag #histodons #Kulturerbe #heritage #monument #Memorial #gedenkstatten
Drone News of the Week pt2 - an adventurous 93 year old who heard about drones shortly before her death requested that her ashes be spread by one. "I’d really like that...I’ve been in a helicopter but I’ve never been in a drone."
#goodnews #Memorial #drone #tech #celebration #life #death
Friday routine: The Russian MoJ declares new "foreign agents". Today its the turn of my colleague + friend Sergey Krivenko from #Memorial (who
fortunately lives in Vilnius now) + some writers, a political scientists + a former Putin aid. https://www.rbc.ru/politics/18/08/2023/64dfb3759a79474d74986d3e?from=from_main_1
"Die letzte Adresse"
Einweihung der Gedenktafel für Wolfgang Waterstraat
18.8.23, 14 Uhr in der Karl-Marx-Str. 196 in 12055 Berlin-Neukölln
Mehr Infos:
"The Gilbert Islands Coastwatchers Memorial on the corner of Whitmore Street and Waterloo Quay, Wellington.
The memorial was unveiled in October 2014. It commemorates New Zealand radio operators based on the Gilbert Islands (now Kiribati) who were executed by the Japanese in the Second World War."
#wellywednesday #Kiribati #nzpost #wellington #Memorial
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa não quer Memorial de Homenagem às Pessoas Escravizadas
#antiracismo #afrodescendentes #Memorial #indymedia #altpt
Scandaleux!! Quelle honte! https://n.respublicae.eu/goldmannariel/status/1674430268495757318
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Ariel Goldmann: Le #memorial de la #deportation a #Nanterre est tague en marge de la marche pour #Nael!
C’est un scandale absolu et une honte.
Rien n’est respecté https://t.co/iomhBSA3KD
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ConstanceLeGrip/status/1674454958735867906
#Memorial #deportation #Nanterre #Nael
De quoi être très profondément, très sérieusement en colère, de manière pacifique et républicaine, mais en colère tout de même.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Ariel Goldmann: Le #memorial de la #deportation a #Nanterre est tague en marge de la marche pour #Nael!
C’est un scandale absolu et une honte.
Rien n’est respecté https://t.co/iomhBSA3KD
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NathalieLoiseau/status/1674454813440876549
#Memorial #deportation #Nanterre #Nael
Auch am dritten Tag nach Prozessbeginn gegen den #Memorial -Kovorsitzenden #OlegOrlov kein Wort von #Sonneborn. Bei #Assange schafft er es taggleich. Auch #Dagdelen schweigt zum Thema - erwartbar.
#MartinSonneborn #SevimDagdelen #JulianAssange
#julianassange #SevimDagdelen #martinsonneborn #Dagdelen #assange #sonneborn #olegorlov #Memorial
RIP, Noachim 🕯⚘️
May his memory be a blessing
zikhrono livrakha
#facts #otd #memory #remember #Memorial #WW2 #neverforget #germany #nazis #histodons #history #Jews #shoah #holocaust #Birkenau #auschwitz
#auschwitz #Birkenau #holocaust #shoah #Jews #history #histodons #nazis #germany #neverforget #WW2 #Memorial #remember #memory #otd #facts
RIP, Kurt 🕯⚘️
May your memory be a blessing
#Ghetto #theresienstadt #facts #otd #memory #remember #Memorial #WW2 #neverforget #germany #nazis #histodons #history #Jews #shoah #holocaust #Birkenau #auschwitz
#auschwitz #Birkenau #holocaust #shoah #Jews #history #histodons #nazis #germany #neverforget #WW2 #Memorial #remember #memory #otd #facts #theresienstadt #Ghetto
Ruhe in Frieden, Claudine 🕯⚘️
möge dein Andenken zum Segen sein
#children #france #paris #facts #otd #memory #remember #Memorial #WW2 #neverforget #germany #nazis #histodons #history #Jews #shoah #holocaust #Birkenau #auschwitz
#auschwitz #Birkenau #holocaust #shoah #Jews #history #histodons #nazis #germany #neverforget #WW2 #Memorial #remember #memory #otd #facts #paris #france #children
#SakharovPrize and Nobel laureate #Memorial is under attack again. Russian authorities yesterday raided homes in Moscow. A criminal case opened on absurd charges. Judicial persecution of Memorial activists must stop immediately. Russia must start respecting international law.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HeidiHautala/status/1638498877123989504
RIP Gerard 🕯⚘️
We should #neverforget and definitely #neverforgive
#facts #otd #memory #remember #Memorial #WW2 #neverforget #germany #nazis #histodons #history #Jews #shoah #holocaust #Birkenau #auschwitz
#auschwitz #Birkenau #holocaust #shoah #Jews #history #histodons #nazis #germany #WW2 #Memorial #remember #memory #otd #facts #neverforgive #neverforget
Today’s art - Rosemary’s mom.
Drawing memorial portraits is a deeply satisfying mitzvah; it’s art that matters and I never accept a penny for them (I ask folks to make a unspecified donation to a local nonprofit).
Mechanical pencils on Bristol vellum.
#art #drawing #portrait #pencil #graphite #memorial
#art #drawing #portrait #pencil #graphite #Memorial
The repression against #Memorial goes on. The Investigation Committee (sort of a Russian FBI) accuses "unidentified" Memorial members of "rehabilitaion of Nazism". The story is old, but as it seems now convenient to use by the authorities. Some years ago an Israeli historian found in the #Memorial databank of victims of repressions in Stalin's Soviet Union a couple of names from people, after the war convicted, because they collaborated with the German Nazi occupants...
#Stephen #Kapos, a #Jewish #Holocaust #survivor was #threatened with #expulsion from the #Labour #party if he told his story at a Holocaust #Memorial #Event. He #resigned instead & made his speech. Here's his #resignation #letter
#stephen #kapos #jewish #holocaust #Survivor #threatened #expulsion #labour #party #Memorial #event #resigned #resignation #letter
#Stephen #Kapos, a #Jewish #Holocaust #survivor was #threatened with #expulsion from the #Labour #party if he told his story at a Holocaust #Memorial #Event. He #resigned instead & made his speech. Here's his #resignation #letter
#stephen #kapos #jewish #holocaust #Survivor #threatened #expulsion #labour #party #Memorial #event #resigned #resignation #letter
I like this metaphor of telling stories around a fire, which you pack nicely into haiku (senryu).
It echoes this stanza from the varied-form tribute poem I wrote on Maya Angelou's death. You might enjoy it. Here's the relevant excerpt from my poem:
- - - - -
From first words spoken around a fire,
to modern social gatherings,
we have only each other,
—and our poetry.
- - - - -
Full poem: https://netsettlement.blogspot.com/2014/07/a-turn-at-darkness.html
#poetry #poet #mayaangelou #Memorial #poem #fellowship