Our final #Deck50 #NHMWien museum workshops are happening these 2 weeks, we'll be attending the #MendelGreenHouse opening Nov 12th, in addition to the other materials, we will also publish 5 #MendelStories videos, made by scicommer Maria Pinto.
Looking forward to engaging with our #ecoevo crew about bringing scientific processes & updated science in contact with the future gen, across disciplines, and to actors in different non-science sectors!
#Deck50 #NHMWien #MendelGreenHouse #MendelStories #ecoevo #scicomm #scienceengagement #Mendel200
YES! Here's one of the event pages: https://www.ped.muni.cz/en/kalendar-akci/18409-slavnostni-otevreni-obnoveneho-skleniku-g-j-mendela
Some English news from 2020: https://www.archpaper.com/2020/04/historic-gregor-mendel-greenhouse-in-czech-republic-renovation/
#Brno #MendelGreenHouse #MendelGreenHouseOpening #Mendel200 #GregorMendel
#Brno #MendelGreenHouse #MendelGreenHouseOpening #Mendel200 #GregorMendel
The crown jewel of the overall project is the reconstruction of #Mendel's greenhouse at his Abbey in #Brno, which will have a grand opening this weekend! #MendelGreenHouse
#INTERREG grants are an interesting way for scientists to work with partners in industry. They primarily fund projects that can lead to lasting cross-border collabs, esp in culture & infrastructure. Proposals are way lighter than normal research grants, but it's a notoriously admin-heavy process!
#Mendel200 2/n
#Mendel #Brno #MendelGreenHouse #INTERREG #Mendel200