The Cost of Having a Period Around the World
#MenstrualProducts can be expensive – even cost-prohibitive – in much of the world. The five countries with the least affordable access to menstrual products are in Africa. In #Algeria, the worst country for period affordability, menstrual products might cost a local person 14.8% of their monthly income.
#PeriodPoverty #WomensHumanRights #misogyny #WomensHealth
#MenstrualProducts #algeria #periodpoverty #womenshumanrights #misogyny #womenshealth
A year and a half ago, California passed a law requiring public colleges to provide free menstrual products to students. It’s the first such law in the nation, and campuses are required to be compliant by this school year. Itzel Luna investigates the results for CalMatters.
#College #California #Dispensers #University #PeriodProject #MenstrualProducts @calmatters
#college #california #dispensers #university #periodproject #MenstrualProducts
This report is a must read for anyone who uses menstrual products.
#womenshealth #MenstrualProducts #ToxicTampons