αη∂гєαş · @Aendy
53 followers · 559 posts · Server darmstadt.social

Die 'Elektrisch' (Straßenbahn) fährt jetzt bald wieder zu uns in den hohen Norden |s!
Die "7" meiner Kindheit kommt aber nicht mehr. Stattdessen ist jetzt die "6" der Standardzug von nach , die damals nur den an die Stadt anband. Die "8" bedient Randzeiten und Wochenende. Wozu es die zusätzliche Nummer braucht, kapier ich heute so wenig, wie damals bei 7&8. Aber is mir aa worscht.

#Merck #oarhellje #Alsbach #darmstadt

Last updated 1 year ago

Don’t let the rainbow fool you. is currently:
1) advocating for multiple doses of when one is sufficient
2) promoting despite its ineffectiveness and risks to both patients and global health
3) suing to block from negotiating drug prices

#Medicare #molnupiravir #gardasil #Merck

Last updated 1 year ago

Corporations, driven by profits, often overlook ethical considerations.

exemplifies this issue.

Here are three ways it’s putting profits over people right now. 🧵 1/12


Last updated 1 year ago

Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
409 followers · 1425 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "Insurers for Merck & Co. must help cover losses from a $1.4 billion cyberattack that the U.S. blamed on Russia, a court said, rejecting the insurers’ argument that the attack was akin to an act of war normally excluded from coverage.

The NotPetya cyberattack didn’t involve military action and can’t be excluded from coverage under a warlike-act exclusion, New Jersey appellate division judges said in a decision released Monday.

“The exclusion of damages caused by hostile or warlike action by a government or sovereign power in times of war or peace requires the involvement of military action,” the judges wrote. “Coverage could only be excluded here if we stretched the meaning of ‘hostile’ to its outer limit.”

Merck is pleased with the decision, a spokesman for the Rahway, N.J.-based pharmaceutical company said. Lawyers for Merck’s insurers didn’t respond to a request for comment."


#cybersecurity #Merck #cyberattack #notpetya #russia

Last updated 2 years ago

Börsen-Zeitung · @bz
193 followers · 2728 posts · Server hessen.social
Börsen-Zeitung · @bz
193 followers · 2180 posts · Server hessen.social
Börsen-Zeitung · @bz
190 followers · 1784 posts · Server hessen.social
setehumbus · @setehumbus
5 followers · 685 posts · Server hessen.social
Jorn Teuber · @jornteuber
69 followers · 298 posts · Server hessen.social

baut 550 Stellen in den nächsten Jahren in ab. Das ist traurig, aber wohl in diesen Zeiten notwendig.
Krass fande ich im Artikel die Tatsache, dass in Darmstadt 12.500 bei Merck arbeiten. Das ist ja quasi jeder 10. Mensch in Darmstadt! Verrückt!

#Merck #darmstadt

Last updated 2 years ago

Börsen-Zeitung · @bz
187 followers · 1549 posts · Server hessen.social
Börsen-Zeitung · @bz
176 followers · 1238 posts · Server hessen.social
Jens Joachim · @jjo
107 followers · 122 posts · Server hessen.social

☀️ und vereinbaren Kooperation: Die beiden Darmstädter Unternehmen Merck und Entega werden an den Merck-Standorten in und großflächig -Anlagen installieren und in Betrieb nehmen
👉 fr.de/rhein-main/darmstadt/dar @FR

#Merck #Entega #darmstadt #Gernsheim #Photovoltaik #FRDarmstadt #Energieversorgung #strom #Regenerative #energie #okostrom

Last updated 2 years ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
490 followers · 4443 posts · Server kolektiva.social

ICYMI - from 2015:
Exposes 18 Top Tax Dodgers

1. Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $1.9 billion tax refund.

2. CEO Lloyd Blankfein
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2008? Zero. $278 million tax refund.

3. JP Morgan Chase CEO James Dimon
Taxpayer Bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department? $416

4. CEO Jeffrey Immelt
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $3.3 billion tax refund.

5. CEO Lowell McAdam
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $705 million tax refund.

6. Boeing CEO James McNerney, Jr.
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? None. $124 million tax refund.

8). Honeywell International CEO David Cote
Amount of federal income taxes paid from 2008-2010? Zero. $34 million tax refund.

7. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer
Amount of federal income taxes Microsoft would have owed if offshore tax havens
were eliminated? $19.4 billion.

9. CEO Wendell Weeks
Amount of federal income taxes paid from 2008-2010? Zero. $4 million tax refund.

10. CEO Glenn Britt
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2008? Zero. $74 million tax refund.

11. CEO Kenneth Frazier
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2009? Zero. $55 million tax refund.

12. Deere & Company CEO Samuel Allen
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2009? Zero. $1 million tax refund.

13. Marsh & McLennan Companies CEO Brian Duperreault Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2010? Zero. $90 million refund.

14. Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs
Amount of federal income taxes Qualcomm would have owed if offshore tax havens
were eliminated? $4.7 billion.

15. Tenneco CEO Gregg Sherill
Amount of federal income taxes Tenneco would have owed if offshore tax havens
were eliminated? $269 million.

16. Express Scripts CEO George Paz
Amount of federal income taxes Express Scripts would have owed if offshore tax
havens were eliminated? $20 million.

17. Caesars Entertainment CEO Gary Loveman
Amount of federal income taxes Caesars Entertainment would have owed if offshore
tax havens were eliminated? $9 million.

18. R.R. Donnelly & Sons CEO Thomas Quinlan III
Amount of federal income taxes paid in 2008? Zero. $49 million tax refund.

Source: dailykos.com/stories/2015/05/0

#berniesanders #corporate #goldmansachs #generalelectric #verizon #corning #TimeWarner #Merck

Last updated 2 years ago

petersuber · @petersuber
3012 followers · 305 posts · Server fediscience.org

New study: The Academy of and () is entangled with corporations such as , , , , , , and , and companies such as , Johnson & Johnson (&J), , and . It has accepted financial contributions from them, invested funds in them, discussed internal policies to benefit them, and allowed its board members to work or consult for them.

#corporatecapture #coi #Pfizer #Merck #j #Abbott #Pharma #pepsico #nestle #kraft #hershey #conagra #cocacola #aramark #and #dietetics #nutrition

Last updated 2 years ago

DocCheck · @DocCheck
178 followers · 204 posts · Server nrw.social

ist in der Bredouille: Nach Anpassung der -Rezeptur eines Medikaments klagen Patienten über . Der Fall ging vor Gericht, der Hersteller musste zahlen. Aber ausgestanden ist die Sache immer noch nicht.

#Merck #levothyroxin #Nebenwirkungen

Last updated 2 years ago

Jorn Teuber · @jornteuber
49 followers · 106 posts · Server hessen.social


⬆️ Die Stadt bekommt vom Ehepaar Stein ( Group) die von ihnen als Stiftung errichtete Kita in nahezu geschenkt. Das mag ich an dieser kleinen Großstadt, wo es Unternehmer:innen gibt, die sich der Stadt verbunden fühlen und etwas für die Gemeinschaft tun. Siehe auch das Sponsoring von , , .. Es gibt bestimmt noch mehr Beispiele, oder?

#SoftwareAG #alnatura #Merck #Bessungen #doehler #darmstadt

Last updated 2 years ago

Philipp Grätzel von Grätz · @Dukla_DE
161 followers · 240 posts · Server mastodon.online

RT @DocCheck@twitter.com

Engpass kreativ beendet: Nach ständigen Lieferproblemen will das altehrwürdige ® nächstes Jahr komplett einstellen. Welche Alternativen gibt's?

🐦🔗: twitter.com/DocCheck/status/15

#digimerck #Merck

Last updated 2 years ago

DocCheck · @DocCheck
121 followers · 124 posts · Server nrw.social

Engpass kreativ beendet: Nach ständigen Lieferproblemen will das altehrwürdige ® nächstes Jahr komplett einstellen. Welche Alternativen gibt's?

#Merck #digimerck

Last updated 2 years ago

Electronics · @Electronics_EU
4 followers · 31 posts · Server respublicae.eu

Great to discuss the Act at the representation of - thanks to for organising @KDT_JU @DigitalEU

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/Electronics_E

#EUChips #Hessen #Merck

Last updated 2 years ago

Electronics · @Electronics_EU
4 followers · 32 posts · Server respublicae.eu

Great to discuss the Act at the representation of - thanks to for organising @KDT_JU @DigitalEU

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/Electronics_E

#EUChips #Hessen #Merck

Last updated 2 years ago