The #MercuryProject will be at the #NobelPrizeSummit on Truth, Trust, & Hope on 25 May, with a key focus on overcoming health #misinformation through #BehavioralScience.
You can register to attend live (in DC) or virtually.
All the cool kids (like @Drand @lkfazio @brendannyhan (or their teams)) are doing it.
Low logistical costs (for virtual) and high social benefits (cool friends!)--yep, that's how we roll.
#MercuryProject #nobelprizesummit #misinformation #BehavioralScience
The Social Science Research Council is proud to announce funding from the
immunization team to expand the #MercuryProject’s work to identify cost-effective and scalable interventions to increase #vaccination demand.
SSRC will accept and review proposals and make awards on a rolling basis; we recommend getting your proposal in sooner rather than later.
Please share widely!
#callforproposals #MercuryProject #vaccination #vaccines #misinformation