Une réflexion intéressante de #MerleauPonty dans "Sens et non-sens" : la #littérature s'apparente à la psychanalyse en ce qu'elle décrit (le plus souvent) la subjectivité des personnage "de l'intérieur". Au contraire, le #cinema se rapproche plutôt de la démarche #behavioriste. "Si le cinéma veut nous montrer un personnage qui a le vertige, il ne devra pas essayer de rendre le paysage intérieur du vertige, comme Daquin dans Premier de Cordée et Malraux dans Sierra de Terruel ont voulu le faire. Nous sentirons beaucoup mieux le vertige en le voyant de l’extérieur, en contemplant ce corps déséquilibré qui se tord sur un rocher, ou cette marche vacillante qui tente de s’adapter à on ne sait quel bouleversement de l’espace. Pour le cinéma comme pour la psychologie moderne, le vertige, le plaisir, la douleur, l’amour, la haine sont des conduites"
#cinema #behavioriste #littérature #MerleauPonty
The book cover for Deleuze, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty: The Logic and Pragmatics of Creation, Affective Life, and Perception by Dorothea E. Olkwoski looks pretty awesome.
I'm afraid I might not be able to understand this, but if they release a movie adaptation, that would be great.
half #joke
#movie #adaptation #book #cover #Deleuze #Bergson #MerleauPonty #Logic #Creation #Life #Perception #Philosophy #Phenomenology
#joke #movie #adaptation #book #cover #deleuze #bergson #MerleauPonty #logic #creation #life #perception #philosophy #phenomenology
📖 📚
A 3-page summary of Merleau-Ponty's 1961 essay, Eye and Mind by Prof. Timothy Quigley
"Eye & Mind is a complex & poetic analysis of painting as a form of vision...Merleau-Ponty develops an alternative to the representationalist view of perception by extending Heidegger's notion of human reality as Being-in-the-World. He does this by means of an extended exploration of human vision..."
"...the body that sees also sees itself."
📖 📚
Intermittences: Merleau-Ponty and Proust on Time and Grief.
Patricia Locke pp. 28
Greetings. I’m a philosopher in Montclair (nj, usa). Here are some hashtags that characterize my writing and philosophical preoccupations: #philosophyoftechnology #aesthetics #meaningfulness #art #music #phenomenology #postphenomenology #technology #borgmann #dewey #dreyfus #susanwolf #groove #performance #smartphones #hegel #macintyre #heidegger #merleauponty
#PhilosophyOfTechnology #aesthetics #meaningfulness #art #music #phenomenology #Postphenomenology #technology #borgmann #dewey #dreyfus #susanwolf #groove #performance #Smartphones #hegel #macintyre #heidegger #MerleauPonty
#situation #phenomenology #MerleauPonty
#situation #phenomenology #MerleauPonty
Current obsessions
Permanent obsessions
#introduction #MerleauPonty #KendrickLamar #london #tatebritain #narrativeselftheories #mycat #philosophy #philosophyofselfhood #embodiment #wittgenstein #sarte #irismurdoch #paris #jazz #schopenhauer #johncoltrane #anesthesiology #sleep #consciousness
Trying to read #merleauponty very tired and with a glass of white wine.
#phenomenology #philosophy
#MerleauPonty #phenomenology #philosophy #Wine
(which describes my persona pretty well)
#Polylemma #MerleauPonty #masterthesis #philosophy #irismurdoch #sun #Daydreaming #mastodon #obstetricanesthesia #twitter #or
Been scrolling and searching the #philostodon a.ka. the #philosophy section here for a few days, and here's my contribution for the topic: my bookshelf and library loan receipts have lately revolved around the following names: #ranciere #nancy #spinoza #deleuze #kierkegaard #perniola #adorno #MerleauPonty
Who's next? #hegel? #heidegger?!
#philostodon #philosophy #Ranciere #nancy #spinoza #deleuze #kierkegaard #perniola #adorno #MerleauPonty #hegel #heidegger
A regular day at work: discussing #enactivism, #pragmatism, #phenomenology, #MerleauPonty, #JohnDewey, and #LegendofZelda with a musicologist. Currently writing an article on #GameMusic.
#enactivism #pragmatism #phenomenology #MerleauPonty #JohnDewey #legendofzelda #GameMusic