#RPGaDay2023 Q31:
FAVOURITE RPG of all time
In the past I would have said Middle-Earth Role Playing, but now it's definitely Conan 2d20.
#rpgaday2023 #middleearthroleplaying #Merp #Conan2d20 #2D20
#RPGaDay2023 Q27:
Game you'd like a new EDITION of...
I think I'd like a new (hardback) edition of Middle-Earth Role Playing, my copy from the 80s is getting rather battered and worn now...
#rpgaday2023 #middleearthroleplaying #Merp
#RPGADay2023 Wohl eher in Richtung komplex als einfach, aber N- #osr -talgie verklärt so manches.
Wie gesagt, #Rolemaster / #Spacemaster waren damals eine Weile unser Jam.
Entsprechend muss ich mich schwer beherrschen, zurzeit wird die dt. Version von #AgainsttheDarkmaster / #vsDarkmaster schwarmfinanziert. Die wilden "Open End Würfe" und die Criticals waren schon megacool!
Good luck and enjoy.
#rpgaday2023 #osr #Rolemaster #spacemaster #AgainstTheDarkmaster #vsDarkmaster #mers #Merp #pnpde
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 21: Favourite licensed game. I haven’t played a #Star Wars #ttrpg, though I’d love to, especially the OG d6 version. I’m much less of a Tolkien fan than I once was, so #TheOneRing doesn’t call to me the way #MERP once did. #Alien looks great, and I have a game lined up. All that said, for the sheer quality of the product, I’d have to go with Free League’s #Bladerunner, which does the really tricky thing and captures the melancholy as well as the excitement of the world.
#rpgaday2023 #star #ttrpg #theonering #Merp #alien #bladerunner
Day 16: WISH
I'd seen the #MERP books in hobby stores as a fledgling #ttrpg gamer in the 80's, but I didn't understand why folks raved about it until I played #Rolemaster in the 90's. MERP is (sorta) Rolemaster-Lite in a good way. Plus the lore and art of the books is incredible.
I'd say my wish would be three-fold. All of the MERP books (lightly 'table-worn' is fine), a group of friends excited to play/run it, and time to do so. Oh, and shelf space to store said treasure. #RPGaDay2023
#Merp #ttrpg #rolemaster #rpgaday2023
#RPGaDay2023 Q3:
First RPG BOUGHT (this year)
This year it was Stars Without Number, which looks a lot of fun but I haven't had a chance to run it yet
First ever with my own money would have been Middle-Earth Role Playing (2nd edition)
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #Merp #starswithoutnumber
3) First RPG bought (This Year)
Weirdly, I think that I might have bought my #MERP boxed Set before I bought my D&D stuff. 🤔
Anyway, this year, the first RPG I bought was #TinyDungeon. A fun little System with child-friendly artwork and rules-light mechanics. We enjoyed playing it a lot and I’m looking forward to playing it again at some time in the future.
#rpgaday2023 #TinyDungeon #Merp
#ttrpg #ice #Merp #middleearth #lordoftherings
33) In 1985, Games Workshop released their licensed version of ICE's MERP in a nice box. "Middle-Earth Role Playing" had a huge appeal as I'd grown up reading The Hobbit and LoTR. The opportunity to play in the realms of the Third Age was too much.
#ttrpg #ice #Merp #middleearth #lordoftherings
Some FRPG lines produce only a single city book, some never produce one at all, and some lines _really_ dive in. The MERP line was a diver-inner of the first water, with (maybe?) more books dedicated to invidiual towns than any RPG without a fire-breathing ampersand. And unlike with the ampersand, they're all pretty dang GOOD. I'd be coy, though, if I pretended it was hard to pick a favorite. Thieves of Tharbad, by Lisa Evans and others, is just too cool for school. Very fine work. #TTRPG #MERP
I am almost certainly never going to play this and I feel like I was done with #MERP (the system this draws inspiration from) about 35 years ago, but this book is so darn pretty I couldn’t resist 😻 #AgainstTheDarkmaster #TTRPG
#Merp #AgainstTheDarkmaster #ttrpg
Make this into a movie! I dare ya!
As part of our 200th ep celebration, thanks to @FreeLeaguePub we are giving away 4 copies of The One Ring Bundle!
1 physical and 3 digital!
Read our Starter Set review to find out why this is so awesome:
And enter to win here:
#theonering #Merp #middleearth #tolkien #ttrpg #rpg #rpgs
@HeyeBodo Wie gesagt, wir waren jung und früher gab es ja fast nichts.
Meine erste echte Dealerin „in der Nähe“ war in Frankfurt Süd in der Textorstraße. Sie hatte erst ein, dann zwei bzw. drei Regalböden. #DnD logisch, aber auch #MERP und #WFRP….
Schlimme Sachen kaufte ich vor allem im „hohen Alter“. Ich sag nur #MörkBorg. Unfassbar, was die Szene heute so feiert. Egal. Geschmäcker.
So viel „Shit“ wie heute gab es noch nie. Die Produktionsqualität ist heuer teilweise immens. Enjoy.
So I'm just reading the adventure "The Star of the Mist" from #TheOneRingRPG core book when I'm struck by a similarity from the old adventure at Minas Anghen from #MERP. Anybody remember that? It was in The Haunted Ruins of the Dunlendings. #TOR2e
#GTKM Get to Know Me from some of my favorite #ttrpg systems:
#TheBurningWheel #MouseGuard #Zweihander #rolemaster #runequest #Merp #ChivalryAndSorcery #NeoClassicalGeekRevival all #KevinCrawford games #symbaroum #Hackmaster 5e #BarbariansofLemuria #WHFRP #DuneRPG #trailofcthulhu #theonering #adnd #ryuutama, #GoldenSkyStories #AgainstTheDarkmaster #BlackbirdsRPG
#gtkm #ttrpg #TheBurningWheel #MouseGuard #Zweihander #rolemaster #runequest #Merp #ChivalryAndSorcery #NeoClassicalGeekRevival #kevincrawford #symbaroum #Hackmaster #BarbariansofLemuria #WHFRP #DuneRPG #trailofcthulhu #theonering #adnd #ryuutama #GoldenSkyStories #AgainstTheDarkmaster #BlackbirdsRPG
@PaulBaldowski against the Darkmaster will be „unleashed“ upon us in early 2023 by a dear friend, who likes to run one of the old #MERP adventures on us. I‘m always in for re-explore older scenarios and games and I have font memories of playing (or trying to grog) MERP as a kid, feasting on Spekulatius cookies. For me, MERP tastes like cookies, strong black tea and an afternoon at your friend‘s house in the 90s). I am super intimidated by Against the Darkmaster though..so…many…tables
My thickest #TTRPG is definitely Against the Darkmaster. This thing is huge!
I couldn't resist picking it up, given my first love was Middle Earth Role Playing — although it's still a challenge for me to embrace the concept that this same-game different-game that's somehow #MERP and not MERP.
(I know mechanics can't be copyrighted)
This thing is a weapon. And a game. I just need to muster the time and focus to read it.
9. Favourite #TTRPG for it's writing?
I'm struggling. Can a #TTRPG be written in a way that's appealing. I've read books many times for the sheer joy — Pratchett's The Carpet People and Adams' Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, for example — but I have never returned to an RPG book for similar reasons.
I found #DragonAge accessible and enjoyed the way the system worked.
I have read #MorkBorg many times to try and fathom it's popularity.
I sometimes read #MERP adventures for entertainment.
#ttrpg #dragonage #MorkBorg #Merp
7. The #ttrpg you've spent most money on but never played?
This is a tough one. It would have been tougher if we'd opted for ratio of spend to play time. Like, I own a lot of #5e but I've played one 3-hour session at a convention.
I also considered the Icon system #StarTrek game, Gygax's #DangerousJourneys, and a couple of other games both new and old. But...
I'll settle for #Rolemaster. I bought a fair scattering of books and core content but never played. Only adapted for #MERP.
#ttrpg #5e #startrek #dangerousjourneys #rolemaster #Merp
5. #ttrpg you have played the most?
Without a doubt, I would say #TheDeeSanction, though that's the system mechanics more than the setting.
As well as running a bunch of #Elizabethan adventures, I used the system to run a 38-session game of #ImpossibleLandscapes last year.
Runner up would be the #CthulhuHack — and if I picked something I hadn't written, it would probably be #Symbaroum or #MERP — games that have engaged me at very different points in my gaming experience.
#ttrpg #TheDeeSanction #Elizabethan #impossiblelandscapes #cthulhuhack #symbaroum #Merp