Just released #DocMQ v0.5.5
✨ Features
Create a context object that lasts for the lifecycle of each job execuition and get access to it in all supported DocMQ event callbacks. Now it's even easier to add tracing with a tool such as @getsentry
🛠️ Fixes
Improved error passing for promise rejection. Rejected promises now include errors[] with a 1:1 mapping to jobs that failed, providing a better debugging experience.
#docmq #oss #MessageQueues #mongodb #postgres
PubNub is a realtime pubsub as a service
#tools #pubsub #services #apps #MessageQueues
BullMQ is a message queue for Node.js based on Redis
#redis #nodejs #libraries #MessageQueues
ZeroMQ (also known as ØMQ, 0MQ, or zmq) is a message queue for the nerds.
#MessageQueues #infra #tools #pubsub