Wie in der AH. #Messi
Messi wylądował w MLS. Jestem ciekaw tego jaki to będzie miało wpływ na rozgrywki i popularyzacja piłki kopanej w U.S.A.
#pilkanozna #messi #MLS
Who would win Ballon d'or 2023? #ballondor #messi #haaland #mbappe #worldcup #uefachampionsleague
#ballondor #Messi #haaland #Mbappe #worldcup #uefachampionsleague
Who would win Ballon d'or 2023? #ballondor #messi #haaland #mbappe #worldcup #uefachampionsleague
#ballondor #Messi #haaland #Mbappe #worldcup #uefachampionsleague
Who would win Ballon d'or 2023? #ballondor #messi #haaland #mbappe #worldcup #uefachampionsleague
#ballondor #Messi #haaland #Mbappe #worldcup #uefachampionsleague
Lionel #Messi ist zum #Weltfußballer 2022 gewählt worden: https://derchotv.de/2023/02/28/lionel-messi-ist-weltfussballer-2022/
Saudi Arabia closes out 2022 by adding Cristiano Ronaldo to their #sportswashing collection, along with Messi, Newcastle, F1, and LIV Golf. #Messi #Ronaldo #MBS #SaudiArabia #MastodonFC #F1
#f1 #mastodonfc #SaudiArabia #mbs #ronaldo #Messi #sportswashing
Messi’s Crowning Moment Became a Cultural Lightning Rod
By Kareem Shaheen | via New Lines Magazine
Kareem Shaheen comments on the Qatari bisht that was gifted to #Messi
Imagina seres um dos jogadores mais bem pagos do mundo e mesmo assim sentires necessidade de aumentar a tua fortuna fazendo propaganda turística a um dos regimes mais brutais no planeta. :flan_facepalm: #Messi #ArabiaSaudita
É este o herói do momento? Fraca peça.
Hell of a shot from the Argentina #WorldCup celebration #Messi https://instagram.com/joseimbda?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
RT @franco_vazza@twitter.com
Thanks to an inspired bet (only in 10 yr!) and @Argentina@twitter.com and #Messi I won 300E.
-> Just donated all of them to https://donorbox.org/power_life_in_ukraine?language=de hoping it will help Ukrainians to have generators against freezing cold.
Not wanna boast, but I know examples lead to further donations, so 🙏
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/franco_vazza/status/1605177309002371073
2/2 "Das wird in dieser naiven #Messi-Betrachtung alles ausgeblendet. Ich finde, das gehört zur Gesamtperson auch dazu und nicht nur die schönen Pässe und Tricks."
🧵 1/2 Auch wenn ich #Messi als Spieler feier, hat Markus Feldenkirchen hier absolut recht: "Messi ist eine laufende Litfaßsäule für #Katar. Wenn Fußball als Whitewashing missbraucht wird, dann ist Messi der Protagonist schlechthin. Er verdient ca. 120 Millionen im Jahr, und hielt es trotzdem noch für notwendig, rund um diese WM alsTourismuswerbebotschafter für den Nachbarschurkenstaat Saudi-Arabien unterwegs zu sein."
#ApokalypseundFilterkaffee #WM2022
#Messi #katar #ApokalypseundFilterkaffee #WM2022
totally thematically inappropriate and questionable likeness in this very un-footbally illustration of #Messi𓃵 i did a few years back for an article in GOAL but i gather something happened in the world of sports ball recently...
#WorldCup #Messi #CreativeToots #MastoArt #soccer #football #illustration #knight #knights
#knights #knight #illustration #football #soccer #MastoArt #CreativeToots #Messi #worldcup #Messi𓃵
totally thematically inappropriate and questionable likeness in this very un-footbally illustration of #Messi𓃵 i did a few years back for an article in GOAL but i gather something happened in the world of sports ball recently...
#WorldCup #Messi #CreativeToots #MastoArt #soccer #football #illustration #knight #knights
#knights #knight #illustration #football #soccer #MastoArt #CreativeToots #Messi #worldcup #Messi𓃵