Parking their idling van in the cycle lane to go arrest some Just Stop Oil doing a go slow walk in the middle of July is the perfect allegory of how #MetPlods "protects" us. Reminds me of them arresting women on the back of Sarah Everard's murder.
Totally lost sight of what protecting means
#MetPlods motorcyclist just put on the blue lights to tell off a Deliveroo mopoed rider that was using #RoyalCollegeStreet #CycleLane and was about to slip through the cyclists and pedestrians green signal.
After what looked like a strong lesson, #MetPlods motorcyclist went through the next round of pedestrian/cyclist signal (no emergency/ no blues).
Not 100% certain how this will resonate long term with the Roo rider.
#MetPlods #royalcollegestreet #cyclelane
#MetPlods desperately trying to gather circumstantial evidence of the disruption caused by #JustStopOil protesters on a Friday morning in the City.
I have plenty GroPro footage of larger jams in the same location in the absence of protest. I also have evidence of no traffic jam in the same location (in the absence of #MetPlods) whilst protest is ongoing.
Happy to share it need. Not sure how to reach those 4 chaps though
Yes you are totally easyjet
Is there a clear explanation somewhere of the cycle lane closures for the #EndOfInternshipparty #Coronation ? @cs3cs6count @lastnotlost
Lots of #MetPlods around parliament Square this evening and traffic lights disabled. Looks like they were closing the roads but cycle lanes still opened (if you stay on the embankment) #UKCycleTweeps #BikeTooter
#endofinternshipparty #coronation #MetPlods #ukcycletweeps #biketooter