Lots of interesting flight patterns

#MetPlods #manhunt #richmond

Last updated 1 year ago

Parking their idling van in the cycle lane to go arrest some Just Stop Oil doing a go slow walk in the middle of July is the perfect allegory of how "protects" us. Reminds me of them arresting women on the back of Sarah Everard's murder.

Totally lost sight of what protecting means


Last updated 1 year ago

motorcyclist just put on the blue lights to tell off a Deliveroo mopoed rider that was using and was about to slip through the cyclists and pedestrians green signal.
After what looked like a strong lesson, motorcyclist went through the next round of pedestrian/cyclist signal (no emergency/ no blues).
Not 100% certain how this will resonate long term with the Roo rider.

#MetPlods #royalcollegestreet #cyclelane

Last updated 1 year ago

desperately trying to gather circumstantial evidence of the disruption caused by protesters on a Friday morning in the City.

I have plenty GroPro footage of larger jams in the same location in the absence of protest. I also have evidence of no traffic jam in the same location (in the absence of ) whilst protest is ongoing.

Happy to share it need. Not sure how to reach those 4 chaps though

#MetPlods #JustStopOil

Last updated 1 year ago

Is there a clear explanation somewhere of the cycle lane closures for the ? @cs3cs6count @lastnotlost

Lots of around parliament Square this evening and traffic lights disabled. Looks like they were closing the roads but cycle lanes still opened (if you stay on the embankment)

#endofinternshipparty #coronation #MetPlods #ukcycletweeps #biketooter

Last updated 2 years ago

JF :verbike: · @jfparis
99 followers · 97 posts · Server rouge.eu.org

And here comes


Last updated 2 years ago