“This isn’t wrong-uns or ‘bad apples’, this is systemic failure across the system.”
So my poll evened out a bit in the end, which is a relief. But still, a family with a mother and 2 daughters, at least 1 of them is getting flashed by a pervert at some point … still doesn’t make me feel much better #metpolicefail #MetPoliceUK #metpolice
#metpolicefail #MetPoliceUK #metpolice
Thank you to everyone who’s boosted and answered my poll today. It’s running for another 2 days, so if you haven’t yet shared it, and are happy to, please do. You’re all anonymous, so I’ve no idea who is replying or how. Please add your voice if you feel you can.
It’s kind of frightening to see how it’s going … if you’re a father with a wife and two daughters, my poll indicates that 2 of them will be flashed at least once in they’re life.
#metpolice #MetPoliceUK #metpolicefail
Women, have you ever been flashed in public (unwanted)
I’ll start … yes, 3 times
#MetPoliceUK #metpolicefail #metpolice #London
Please share to get a wider response.
#MetPoliceUK #metpolicefail #metpolice #london
Is the Met Police actually changing? Or are we turning into a gun toting police service not for the purpose of protecting the public and citizens but for their own purposes?
Met Police recruiting officer: Why do you want to become an officer in our force? Candidate: I want to abuse my position, bully, rape, extort and get away with it. #MetPoliceUK #Rape #Corrupt #AboveTheLaw #ReclaimTheStreets
#MetPoliceUK #rape #corrupt #abovethelaw #reclaimthestreets
These people have apparently been given the power to "stop protests before they happen". So they allegedly have precognition, but they didn't notice THIS for over TWENTY YEARS? How are we supposed to have any trust or confidence in them? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64332586 #metpolice #MetPoliceUK #MetPoliceRapists
#MetPoliceRapists #MetPoliceUK #metpolice
Anyone remember when the #MetPoliceUK attacked the #SarahEverard vigil? No one has been held to account for that.
The thing with apologies is… if the behaviour is repeated, it’s a get out of jail free card. #MetPoliceUK #reclaimthestreets
#MetPoliceUK #reclaimthestreets
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-64282962 #police cracking down on protests whilst harbouring serial rapists and murderers within their force. Not going to instil confidence in anyone is it? #MetPoliceUK #waynecousins #davidcarrick - not just the one #badapple is it? #homeoffice
#police #MetPoliceUK #waynecousins #davidcarrick #badapple #homeoffice
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jan/16/metropolitan-police-officer-david-carrick-revealed-as-serial-rapist?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other #onebadapple Not. #MetPoliceUK unfit for purpose.
One desire of all people is to feel safe & not live in fear. One relies on ones elected government & police system to achieve this. However there're constant cases of misconduct & systematic racism. Failure to get rid of the many "bad apples" results in lost in trust in all. One shouldn't fear those who are suppose to protect. The inability of Met Police to do this is astounding 🤯
#PoliceMisconduct #MetPoliceUK #London #UK #Racism #Crime #PoliceAccountability #Police
#Police #policeaccountability #crime #racism #uk #london #MetPoliceUK #policemisconduct
One desire of all people is to feel safe & not live in fear. One relies on ones elected government & police system to achieve this. However there're constant cases of misconduct & systematic racism. Failure to get rid of the many "bad apples" results in lost in trust in all. One shouldn't fear those who are suppose to protect. The inability of Met Police to do this is astounding 🤯
#PoliceMisconduct #MetPoliceUK #London #UK #Racism #Crime #PoliceAccountability #Police
#Police #policeaccountability #crime #racism #uk #london #MetPoliceUK #policemisconduct