Technoetic Arts Journal · @technoeticarts
13 followers · 14 posts · Server

'Any person who has language has the ability to understand the self-reflexive nature of language, and hence is, in her fluency, an expert in reflexivity. If we do not understand this, it is only because social and educational customs and prohibitions have placed blinders on our natural motion in thought and speech.' (Kauffman 2021)

#participant #observer #recursion #cybernetics #selfreference #MetaLanguage #language

Last updated 2 years ago

The whale · @thewhalecc
284 followers · 1736 posts · Server

ReScript - ReScript is the language for folks who don't necessarily love JavaScript, but who still acknowledge its importance. ReScript looks like JavaScript, works like... by

#front #javascript #compilation #MetaLanguage #ReScript

Last updated 4 years ago