@punko @Velveteen Watch out with #metatext. It is great, particularly when it comes to adding alt text to images. It was the app that made #Mastodon ‘click’ for me. Unfortunately AFAIK it’s no longer supported and doesn’t support a lot of #Mastodon’s more recent features. :(
Probando @Tusker para #iPad en mi Mac. No está mal pero la navegación con #VoiceOver es más lenta que en #MetaText al tener que entrar y salir de zonas. Seguiré buscando
#MammothApp is my favourite after #Metatext which I still use when I want to share via the Share Sheet. My requests just now:
• Ability to share content using Mammoth via the Share Sheet
• Tweak to fix alignment of news articles in the news carousel. Each one ends up x pixels right of the left edge until the last one is quite far over from the left and cropped off the right end.
• Alt text that is displayed on tapping a full screen image rather than a modal dialog.
• Media grid view for posts with more than one image.
• Option to automatically play videos and animated GIFs in the timeline/post view previews.
• Media preview containers with the same ratio/shape as the media they contain.
• Post counter to show reliably as well as the same timeline loading/scrolling that’s been mentioned by others.
• More reliable loading of user profiles on other communities/instances.
• Option for a semi-transparent & background blur in the tab bar and header. For me it makes the timeline in MetaText seem more immersive.
• Custom icons! ☺️
Keep up the awesome work! ❤️
@tombarkas @ambivalena @thesweetcheat #MetaText on iOS uses UX design to nudge you to add Alt text (at the same time as choosing a focal point for apps imposing 16:9 thumbnail crops). No reason more apps couldn’t offer the same or better.
Definitely fewer tags amongst newer users which is sad to see. Would rather see people arguing about alt text than quote tweets!
I have been using the MetaText app. I know the developer is looking for help.
I tried to reply to someone today on it, and ran out of characters to use. IT seems it is set on 500 characters, although my server is set on 2,000. Is there a setting I need to set?
I have also noticed that filters don't work quite right on #MetaText app. I can't easily filter a post, and have to get my Ipad and try to get Safari to work to filter things I don't want to see.
@adhdjesse @illumi241 +1 for #Metatext however it’s developer is looking to hand over to someone new due to health issues. #MammothApp is promising (though not yet so easy to switch timelines). You can get to a TestFlight version of Mammoth by tapping that hashtag I included.
@vy_thefifthmookie yes. I’d like a clue to this. I find the website can be better for discovery. The #Metatext app is a bit light on discovery features but i’m sure there must be something out there scouring for and highlighting hashtags across the #fediverse Unfortunately I don’t know what it is :/
@neetautistic somewhere in my posts I shared about an app on iOS that’s in development. It’s called Mammoth (#MammothApp should find it) and looks like it might be a simpler UI for Mastodon. Simpler even than #Metatext.
The website is a bit much I agree. Especially if you’ve inadvertently turned on ‘advanced mode’).
@vy_thefifthmookie #Metatext all day long. #MammothApp is coming along nicely though.
(Redraft on #MetaText and hashtagged intro from a few days ago)
Love this server! Looking forward to socials as a #TwitterQuitter.
I am self-dx #Autistic, with #cPTSD, #ADHD, and #OCD. Local providers are reluctant to officially diagnose me bc I’ve defaulted to masking after over 40 years of struggling to fit into neuro normative circles. So, to them, I’m #GAD and #MDD from the childhood SA. Maybe that’s true, but I find it easier to relate with #autists than anyone else. I’m learning to #unmask, but it’s a process bc my tendency at this stage of my life is to roll my eyes and disengage when I’m misunderstood rather than throw a tantrum like I used to in my younger years. 💜💚
#MetaText #TwitterQuitter #Autistic #CPTSD #adhd #OCD #gad #mdd #autists #unmask
@rayheeyyyleigh you think the Mastodon app is good. Go get #metatext from the App Store. You’ll never look back. ☺️
Acabo de descubrir el tema de los anuncios. En #METATEXT está luego de las tres pestañas. No sabía que existía, o bien solo sale cuando tu instancia tiene anuncios, como es el caso.
Ahora que por fin he sacado tiempo puedo hacer fork del proyecto #metatext a ver en qué puedo contribuir
COn la web avanzada, con un poco de arte y usando las herramientas, no es difícil usar #MASTODON con #BRAVE y #VOICEOVER.
Da más posibilidades que la propia aplicación en. #IOS e incuso que #METATEXT también en ese S.O.
#mastodon #brave #voiceover #ios #MetaText