I'm not keeping track but I feel like literally every magazine we've looked at has news of Gillan leaving Purple, Gillan rejoining Purple, or Purple splitting up for good
#Podcast #Metal #HeavyMetal #Kerrang #80s #MetalHammer #ClassicRock
#Poison #DeepPurple #BretMichaels #Cher #Queen #SpinalTap #TheGrip #LastCrack #SohoRoses #VanHalen #Gillan
#gillan #vanhalen #sohoroses #lastcrack #thegrip #spinaltap #queen #cher #bretmichaels #deeppurple #poison #classicrock #MetalHammer #80s #kerrang #heavymetal #metal #podcast
New episode coming tomorrow. May or may not include references to Sheffield's finest export.
#Podcast #Metal #HeavyMetal #Kerrang #80s #Rock #MetalHammer #Rock #ClassicRock #DefLeppard #GunsNRoses #alicecooper
#alicecooper #gunsnroses #defleppard #classicrock #MetalHammer #rock #80s #kerrang #heavymetal #metal #podcast
Can I Pod With Madness episode 12
Metal Hammer Vol 2, No 12, (Oct 29, 1987) - Female Induced Moshability
#Podcast #Metal #HeavyMetal #Kerrang #80s #Rock #MetalHammer #Rock #ClassicRock #DefLeppard #GunsNRoses #AxlRose #PaulStanley #IceAge #KISS #DefLeppard
#kiss #iceage #paulstanley #axlrose #gunsnroses #defleppard #classicrock #MetalHammer #rock #80s #kerrang #heavymetal #metal #podcast
Can I interest you in a Metal Hammer umbrella
Can I Pod With Madness episode 12
Metal Hammer Vol 2, No 12, (Oct 29, 1987) - Female Induced Moshability
#Podcast #Metal #HeavyMetal #Kerrang #80s #Rock #MetalHammer #Rock #ClassicRock #DefLeppard #GunsNRoses #AxlRose #PaulStanley #IceAge #KISS #DefLeppard #AliceCooper #Winger #SteelPanther #Warlock #Doro #TopofthePops #1987 #Halloween #Rush #FantasyArt
#fantasyart #rush #halloween #topofthepops #doro #warlock #SteelPanther #winger #alicecooper #kiss #iceage #paulstanley #axlrose #gunsnroses #defleppard #classicrock #MetalHammer #rock #80s #kerrang #heavymetal #metal #podcast
Contents page, Metal Hammer Vol 2, No 12, (Oct 29, 1987)
I guess we covered about 20% of what's in here. But what page are you turning to first, back on Halloween 1987?
Can I Pod With Madness episode 12 - Female Induced Moshability
#Podcast #Metal #HeavyMetal #Kerrang #80s #Rock #MetalHammer #Rock #ClassicRock #DefLeppard #GunsNRoses #AxlRose #PaulStanley #IceAge #KISS #DefLeppard #AliceCooper #Warlock #Doro #TopofthePops #1987 #Halloween #Rush #FantasyArt
#fantasyart #rush #halloween #topofthepops #doro #warlock #alicecooper #kiss #iceage #paulstanley #axlrose #gunsnroses #defleppard #classicrock #MetalHammer #rock #80s #kerrang #heavymetal #metal #podcast
PWM12 Metal Hammer Vol 2, No 12, (Oct 29, 87) - Female Induced Moshability
Doro adorns the cover of this, the earliest edition of Metal Hammer we own. It's Halloween and there's weird stuff going on though not the kind of weird stuff you might expect.
Check out the podcast here:
#Podcast #Metal #HeavyMetal #Kerrang #80s #Rock #MetalHammer #Rock #ClassicRock #DefLeppard #GunsNRoses #IceAge #KISS #DefLeppard #AliceCooper #Winger #SteelPanther #TopofthePops #Rush
#rush #topofthepops #SteelPanther #winger #alicecooper #kiss #iceage #gunsnroses #defleppard #classicrock #MetalHammer #rock #80s #kerrang #heavymetal #metal #podcast
Reading #MetalHammer (Spain) I discovered this band Noah Histeria.
Different sound. Lovable sound
Soundcheck-Sieger im aktuellen #MetalHammer sind #Wolfskull. Und mehr muss man dazu auch gar nicht schreiben. Da spule ich doch mal lieber auf die Drittplatzierten #nofx vor, die machen deutlich mehr Laune.
These are Metal Hammer’s Top 50 best albums of 2022 - Ghost, Slipknot, Rammstein, Megadeth… where did your favourite band end up in Metal Hammer’s best albums of 2022 rundown? - https://www.loudersound.com/news/these-are-metal-hammers-top-50-best-albums-of-the-year #MetalHammer #Top50 #BestAlbums #MetalAlbums #MetalMetalLand #BestOf2022 #Ghost #Slipknot #Rammstein #Megadeth #MachineHead #LouderSound #LambOfGod #Decapitated #Meshuggah
#meshuggah #decapitated #lambofgod #loudersound #machinehead #megadeth #rammstein #slipknot #ghost #bestof2022 #metalmetalland #MetalAlbums #bestalbums #top50 #MetalHammer
Nice. This is a little bit of fun. It’s good to lighten up a bit sometimes. #MetalMetalLand #MastodonBand #MastodonSocial #LouderSound #Mastodon #MetalMusic #MetalBands #ProgMetal #MetalHammer #FurryElephant - We asked Mastodon, the band, about Mastodon, the social media network, and they’re just as confused as the rest of us - https://www.loudersound.com/news/mastodon-social-media-band-twitter
#furryelephant #MetalHammer #progmetal #metalbands #metalmusic #mastodon #loudersound #mastodonsocial #mastodonband #metalmetalland
Heute am #hometrainer ein bisschen quer durch den #metalhammer Soundcheck hören.
NP: Imprecation - In Nomine Diaboli
Das muss im gleichen Studio und mit dem gleichen Equipment wie #Venom|s „At War With Satan“ eingespielt worden sein.
#venom #MetalHammer #Hometrainer
@joedaly thanks for sharing that. And thanks for the follow! Your cover story on Ghost was fantastic! Big fan of #MetalHammer
Heute live vom #hometrainer: #candlemass - Sweet evil sun
Gerade im aktuellen #metalhammer über den Soundcheck-Sieger gestolpert und mir so gedacht: Kennst du doch noch aus den 80ern.
Ich muss zugeben, dass ich musikalisch weitestgehend im Metal der 80er und 90er Jahre hängen geblieben bin. Da kommt ein bisschen #doom aus dieser Zeit gerade recht.
#doom #MetalHammer #candlemass #Hometrainer
I’m not much of a #Disturbed fan but I reviewed their new album for #MetalHammer. Liked it better than I thought I would. #heavymetal #music #metal
#metal #music #heavymetal #MetalHammer #disturbed
I recently interviewed #TheHu for #MetalHammer. Awesome bunch of guys doing something really different and making it happen. any other Hu fans around here?
Hi all! #introduction post from another #TwitterRefugee. I’m. #heavymetal #journalist, mainly writing for #MetalHammer and other UK based publications. I love a wide spectrum of subgenres, especially #blackmetal, #melodicdeathmetal, #doom and #thrash. Still learning the ways of #Mastodon and looking forward to plugging in with the community here and meeting fellow #metalheads. 🤘🏻🤘🏻
#metalheads #mastodon #thrash #doom #melodicdeathmetal #blackmetal #MetalHammer #journalist #heavymetal #twitterrefugee #introduction
My recent interview with #NeilFallon, of #Clutch, for #MetalHammer magazine.
#NeilFallon #Clutch #MetalHammer
Der #MetalHammer gehört zu den präsentierenden Magazinen des #daheim-Konzertes von #MaxRaabe jetzt gerade bei #MagentaMusik360 🤘🤣 🎶
#magentamusik360 #MaxRaabe #daheim #MetalHammer