Protip for #bgp #metallb on #k3s with #unifi
BE SURE to set your externalTrafficPolicy on your service type to "Local", otherwise your BGP routes WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED by the UDM Pro.
Apparently it's missing the multipath capabilities in the kernel, so the routes will get rejected by the "frr" container.
You can patch your service with: kubectl patch svc myservice -p '{"spec":{"externalTrafficPolicy":"Local"}}'
I spent 6 weeks figuring this out 😢
After a couple days of on-off struggling with MetalLB, I finally got BGP mode working on my network. Quick tip - you MUST advertise a different subnet for your LoadBalancer IPs. They can't be IPs in your existing subnet. After all, it's ROUTING. #kubernetes #metallb #duh
So, the #Metallb tutorial over on by the fabulous @funkypenguin is just fine. Maybe a little bit dated by now (two major releases of the #HelmChart ago), but it does work 😁😅