¡Vamos bastante adelante en Metro Last Light Redux!
Ahora un pequeño ser llamado Homo-Novus me ayuda.
#MetroLastLightRedux #MetroLastLight #PlayOnLinux #Steam #Ubuntu #Metro2034
#metrolastlightredux #MetroLastLight #playonlinux #steam #ubuntu #metro2034
"Metro, Last Light Redux": Es un videojuego de disparos en primera persona, secuela directa de Metro 2033, orientado a la acción combinada con elementos de videojuego de terror y desarrollado por 4A Games y distribuido por THQ.
#MetroLastLightRedux #MetroLastLight #PlayOnLinux #Steam #Ubuntu #Metro2034
#metrolastlightredux #MetroLastLight #playonlinux #steam #ubuntu #metro2034
#MetroLastLight Complete Edition’ Available for #Free on #Steam From May 18 to 25
🎮 #Gaming -
Been gaming all my life. Not limited in this genre, either.
#Riven is foundational to who I am. I look for it in everything, even subconsciously. You'll see hints of this in my taste in music, games, etc.
#Myst #Metro2033 #MetroLastLight #DeusExHumanRevolution #MetalGearRisingReveangeance #Gacha #FGO #FateGrandOrder #GenshinImpact #PUBG #TheRoom #AlienIsolation #ICEY #Undertale #Cayne #Stasis #SOMA #Subnautica #HalfLife #STALKER #StarWarsKOTOR #Megaman #Pokemon #AssassinsCreed
#assassinscreed #pokemon #megaman #starwarskotor #stalker #halflife #subnautica #soma #stasis #cayne #undertale #icey #alienisolation #TheRoom #pubg #GenshinImpact #fategrandorder #fgo #gacha #metalgearrisingreveangeance #DeusExHumanRevolution #MetroLastLight #metro2033 #myst #riven #gaming
Heading back into the deep dark tunnels again.
#streaming #MetroLastLight #metro #twitch
War, War never changes... ..wait, wrong franchise
#MetroLastLight #metro #twitch
#Metro podria arribar a #NintendoSwitch! Inclouria els dos primers capítols de la saga, #Metro2033 i #MetroLastLight. Tant de bo es confirmen, i poder gaudir de versió portàtil d'aquestes dos aventures amb mecàniques de #survivalhorror.
#metro #nintendoswitch #metro2033 #MetroLastLight #survivalhorror #videojocs