Bookmarking this: A Portrait of Tenochtitlan
Saw it on TT last night before I went to bed, and the images just looked amazing.
"El primerísimo 'grito' de independencia."
Doctor in Letters from the Paris University, Patrick Johansson K. who authored this article — Nahuatlahto disciple of Miguel León Portilla — rummages through the twists and turns of 'prehispanic' archives in search of traces of the #Mexica liberation…
For more than 100 years subjected to the #tepanecas of #Azcapotzalco, the Mexica, under the leadership of #Itzcohuatl, achieved their '#Independence' in 1428.
#Mexico #Tenochtitlan
#Mexica #tepanecas #Azcapotzalco #Itzcohuatl #Independence #Mexico #Tenochtitlan