En colonia Nueva España, también conocida como 'Mexico', PUTAS de Escoria Española, i.e., Javier Alatorre, aguilar Camín, Krauze (padre de ese hijo de puta propagandista que putéa para la #Sionista #Univision, León Krauze), todos sus seguidores, asociados, encabronados porque libros de texto abren grieta al conocimiento del genocidio de la #PUTA #ESPAÑA #FASCISTA contra los verdaderos #Mexicah y demás culturas y lenguas de #Anahuac — incluyendo el robo de identidad étnica
#Sionista #Univision #PUTA #ESPAÑA #fascista #Mexicah #Anahuac
#Xelhuaztli ➊: маленькая щетка : small brush;
essentially a tied bundle of stiff, durable, plant stems/roots which grow in the wild.
If item was exclusively to scrub clean the #Metlatl ➋, it was prefixed —appropriately— as Metla∙xelhuaztli.
Indigenous #Anahuacah (inc. the real #Mexicah) people would repurpose item to brush long hair, as well
#Xelhuaztli #Metlatl #Anahuacah #Mexicah
Continuing the desecration of the REAL #Mexicah People's Symbols of the #Cuauhtli [Eagle] and #Cohuatl [Snake], descendants of #Spanish scum invaders in New Spain colony, aka, '#Mexico' — where native languages have been systematically erased to impose the alien Iberian dialect, i.e., they don't even speak much less appreciate #Nahuatl, the language par excellence of the ancient Mexicah — frivolous Miss 'Mexico' Contestants Show off Fabulous Dresses and Feathered Costumes
#Mexicah #Cuauhtli #Cohuatl #Spanish #Mexico #Nahuatl
"The global #lawless #fascist US regime can expect more such exercises and manoeuvres close to its stolen #Mexicah / #Anishinaabeg -waki land borders if its #European #NATO #whore’s war games along #Russia’s borders continue, possibly with some #Chinese participation.~
#Lawless #fascist #Mexicah #Anishinaabeg #European #NATO #whore #Russia #Chinese
Too bad the #SpanishScum fanatic christian #terrorists occupying #Mexico-#Tenochtitlan today have swiped the ethnic name Mexicah and transliterated it into their #Spanish dialect as 'Mexicanos'/'Mexicans' thereby disparaging it with their Iberian #corruption & #criminality.
Today, Solstice 2019, the REAL #Mexicah celebrate the birth of #Huitzilopochtli; He was born clothed in full military attire as he got ready to defend his Mother, #Cohuatlicue — #ToNantzin — from those who laid siege to her.
#SpanishScum #terrorists #Mexico #Tenochtitlan #Spanish #CORRUPTION #criminality #Mexicah #Huitzilopochtli #Cohuatlicue #ToNantzin
The famous Russian model, Виктория Одинцова: Viktoriya Odintsova, embodying the feminine beauty and sexuality, in the real #Mexicah's collective consciousness, as: #Xochiquetzal.