New Wings Over Europe video:
Carrying out a fighter sweep in a US Navy F/A-18A Hornet at dusk.
Found and engaged some Soviet MiG-23P ('Flogger-G') and MiG-29A ('Fulcrum') fighters.
Great fight in the twilight of the Cold War with some spectacular kills.
#Gameplay #Aviation #FlightSim #ColdWar #F18 #MiG23 #MiG29 #Twilight #Dusk #Jets
#jets #Dusk #twilight #MiG29 #MiG23 #F18 #Coldwar #flightsim #Aviation #gameplay
La #Polonia ha già trasferito un totale di otto caccia #Mig29 a Kiev e si prepara a trasferirne altri sei. Lo ha detto il presidente polacco Andrzej Duda durante una conferenza stampa congiunta con il leader ucraino Volodymyr #Zelensky a Varsavia, come riporta Ukrinform.
Kiev lamenta: "#Mig29 non sono moderni e versatili"
Il portavoce dell'aeronautica #ucraina, Yuri Ignat, si è lamentato che i Mig-29 forniti da alcuni Paesi europei e tanto sollecitati da Kiev rafforzano solo parzialmente le capacità di difesa aerea in quanto si tratta di #caccia non particolarmente moderni e versatili. Nello specifico Ignat ha spiegato che questi #aerei militari non sono equipaggiati di stazione radar né possono trasportare missili tecnologicamente all'avanguardia.
#aerei #caccia #ucraina #MiG29
President of #Ukraine, Volodymyr #Zelenskyy, has called on the heads of state and government of the #EU states to deliver modern fighter jets to his country. He is grateful to #Poland and #Slovakia for the decision to provide fighter jets of Soviet type #MiG29, Zelenskyy said on Thursday at an EU summit, to which he was connected via video. "This will significantly strengthen the defense of our airspace. But we need modern aircraft."
#MiG29 #slovakia #poland #EU #zelenskyy #Ukraine
Il primo ministro slovacco, Eduard #Heger, ha annunciato che il suo Paese ha approvato l'invio di 13 caccia #Mig29 di fabbricazione sovietica in #Ucraina. La Slovacchia si unisce così alla #Polonia, che ieri ha annunciato che invierà quattro #jet dello stesso tipo.
#jet #polonia #ucraina #MiG29 #Heger #Slovacchia
The call sign "Casper" #MiG29 jet fighter pilot.
#war #ukraine
#UkraineWarNews #military #aviation #photo
#Photo #Aviation #military #UkraineWarNews #UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #War #MiG29
Prime Minister of #Slovakia Eduard #Heger promised President of #Ukraine Volodymyr #Zelenskyy that he would "work to fulfill this request" after his request for Soviet #MiG29 #FighterJet|s. According to dpa news, this emerges from a short conversation between the two politicians. Government office in Bratislava provided a corresponding video recording. "It is in the interest of Slovak and European security to help you," Heger replied.
#fighterjet #MiG29 #zelenskyy #Ukraine #heger #slovakia
Prime Minister of #Slovakia Eduard #Heger promised President of #Ukraine Volodymyr #Zelenskyy that he would "work to fulfill this request" after his request for Soviet #MiG29 #FighterJet|s. According to dpa news, this emerges from a short conversation between the two politicians. Government office in Bratislava provided a corresponding video recording. "It is in the interest of Slovak and European security to help you," Heger replied.
#fighterjet #MiG29 #zelenskyy #Ukraine #heger #slovakia
The #USA and #Germany tried unsuccessfully to prevent Polish deliveries of #MiG29 to #Ukraine. Since the delivery of spare parts was politically permitted, not just #Poland supplied a huge number of spare parts from which Ukrainian mechanics were able to assemble entire #jets.
It just wasn't ready-to-fly but an extended assembling kit. 😁
#jets #poland #Ukraine #MiG29 #Germany #USA
Former #NATO Commander-in-Chief in #Europe James #Stavridis said on #ZDF: "I agree that we should provide fighter jets to #Ukraine." Specifically, he recommends providing #MIG29 from #Poland and #F16 from the #US. MIG29 could be delivered directly, Ukrainians know how to operate them. "Ukrainian pilots could be trained on the F16, which takes some time. It's a relatively simple aircraft that's easy to learn."
#US #f16 #poland #MiG29 #Ukraine #zdf #stavridis #Europe #NATO
Absolutely incredible!
In the 80s #LookDown #ShootDown was the mantra for aircraft ability to shoot down #Cruise #missiles
#Ukraine says #HoldMyBeer and flies it's #MIG29 at low altitude to ensure survivability and interception capability!
🇺🇦Unique footage!! A Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet shoots down a Russian Kh-101 cruise missile
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #UkrainianArmy #UkraineWarNews
#UkraineWarNews #UkrainianArmy #UkraineRussiaWar #SlavaUkraini #MiG29 #holdmybeer #Ukraine #missiles #cruise #shootdown #lookdown
La cessione di 28 #MiG29 all'#Ucraina potrebbe fare la differenza per annientare la lunga colonna di mezzi russi che staziona da giorni a 25km da #Kyiv. Ma la #Polonia vuole una decisione unanime della #NATO e rimane da vedere cosa dirà l'#Ungheria.
#ungheria #nato #polonia #kyiv #ucraina #MiG29