Sadly, these terrible collapses like the are just a tip of the iceberg.

We wrote something recently on another device and will get it out in the days ahead.

In we've been struggling with our own and craze since , and yes, a lot of dodgy .

The and have been aggressively for as long as we can remember too.

#MiamiTower #australia #propertyDeveloper #privateequity #Sydney2000 #construction #realestate #PropertyCouncil #lobbying #selfRegulation #rentSeeking #cronyism #assetinflation

Last updated 3 years ago

We've been refraining from talking about this destruction on Fedi, which is wrong.

When the burned, we were heavy on and the dodgy , that created the situation.

From what we can tell, this event could have been avoided. It seems a criminally negligent case of .

Their motto seems to be pocket the gains, socialize the losses.

#MiamiTower #GrenfellTowers #uk #gentrifiers #gentrifyAndForget #regulations #protections

Last updated 3 years ago