bs2 · @bsmall2
227 followers · 4011 posts · Server

Drawings from the _Looking Forward_ ParEcon book have been in my mind for decades, not just the quotes and ideas...

"... all owe elements of their personalities to the jobs they do."

by and

#RobinHahnel #MichaelAlbert #lookingforward

Last updated 1 year ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
227 followers · 4011 posts · Server

> So you see, I claim that work in a duly ordered community should be made attractive by the consciousness of usefulness, by its being carried on with intelligent interest, by variety, and by its being exercised amidst pleasurable surroundings.

- quoted in
by and one of their for thinking about a vision of a decent society.

#decentwork #work #pareconbooks #RobinHahnel #MichaelAlbert #lookingforward #williammorris

Last updated 1 year ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
227 followers · 4011 posts · Server

There are a good number of great quotes in _Looking Forward_.:

> There are really not many jobs that actually require a penis or a vagina, and all other occupations should be open to everyone.


quoted in by and one of their

#pareconbooks #RobinHahnel #MichaelAlbert #lookingforward #gloriasteinem

Last updated 1 year ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
227 followers · 4011 posts · Server

> ... to judge both traditional and new economic institutions, we will ask whether they subvert or promote:
1. Efficiency ..
2. Equity ..
3. Self-management ..
4. Solidarity ..
5. Variety (defined as a diversity of outcomes).
We will also ask if economic institutions impose any biases on individual choice that impede these five aims by charging people other than the true social opportunity costs for activities.

#RobinHahnel #MichaelAlbert #pareconbooks #parecon #polpar

Last updated 1 year ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
195 followers · 3346 posts · Server

Not finished Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything or Kohei Saito's 人新世の資本論 but got wrapped up in . It keeps making me think of earlier work by with , and even earlier writings by , . Back in 1933 we knew economists were morons:
"Economists were driven to abandon this.. ground by the indignation of the . "
but then we forgot and in 2011 students protest ?

#Mankiw #GeneralPublic #MortalsAndOthers #bertrandrussel #participatoryeconomics #parecon #MichaelAlbert #enoughisenough

Last updated 2 years ago

SofieZwiebel · @mszwiebel
134 followers · 240 posts · Server

i just read an interview with about Artists in . He talked about socially valued Art. He compares Art to any other profession. But Art that is "socially valuable" is "Entertainment". New art needs to be ugly because it is based on a language that no one has ever heard before - and maybe no one will. A society needs to value people wasting time because this is were the unexpected things happen. Every system rooted in wages is authoritarian and is wasting human potential.

#MichaelAlbert #parecon

Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

> The darker side of market incentives has been neglected and underestimated. Two modern exceptions are Ralph d’Arge and E.K. Hunt, who coined the less famous but equally appropriate concept, “invisible foot” to describe the socially counter-productive behavior of foisting costs onto others that markets also promote.
of and

#RobinHahnel #MichaelAlbert #participatoryeconomics #parecon #economics #market #InvisibleFoot #EKHunt

Last updated 2 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

AI is Progress,
Progess is A LIe.


There is always someone making decisions and choices somewhere, the magic words like progress, 'invisible hand' ( is more accurate with 'inivisibl foot', See and 's ), 'free markets' just hide the responsibility.

#QuietRevolutioninWelfareEconomics #RobinHahnel #MichaelAlbert #EKHunt #ProgressWithoutPeople #DavidNoble

Last updated 3 years ago

(((~escalatress~))) · @raiserin
159 followers · 3548 posts · Server

Leider hochkarätig... leider nur Typen, leider ein:r, beherrlich gendergerechte Sprache verweigernd
Krise der Nationalstaaten – anarchistische Antworten? 19.–21. März 2021

… soll ausloten, welche theoretischen Ansätze aus dem anarchistischen Spektrum Antworten liefern auf die Frage: was ist – weltgesellschaftlich?! – jenseits des Nationalstaates denkbar und welche Voraussetzungen müssen für eine Reproduktion sinnvollerer gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse gegeben sein. Die Tagung adressiert damit zwei zentrale Bereiche: Kritik an nationalstaatlichen Arrangements und Formen und Reproduktionsmöglichkeiten alternativer gesellschaftlicher Organisation (klein- und großräumig). Es geht bei der Tagung darum zu ermessen, wie plausibel das Spektrum anarchistischer Argumente in theoretischer Hinsicht ist, um eine gehaltvolle Perspektive nationalstaatlicher Kritik zu …

Recht hochkarätig besetzt mit , , , , und . Leider über . 🤦

#PHFreiburg #tagung #Anarchismus #zoom #BerndDrücke #PeterSeyferth #HermannAmborn #konstantinwecker #MichaelAlbert #IlijaTrojanow

Last updated 4 years ago

Reclus · @reclus
403 followers · 4213 posts · Server

🏴 Online-Tagung: Krise der Nationalstaaten – anarchistische Antworten? 19.–21. März 2021

… soll ausloten, welche theoretischen Ansätze aus dem anarchistischen Spektrum Antworten liefern auf die Frage: was ist – weltgesellschaftlich?! – jenseits des Nationalstaates denkbar und welche Voraussetzungen müssen für eine Reproduktion sinnvollerer gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse gegeben sein. Die Tagung adressiert damit zwei zentrale Bereiche: Kritik an nationalstaatlichen Arrangements und Formen und Reproduktionsmöglichkeiten alternativer gesellschaftlicher Organisation (klein- und großräumig). Es geht bei der Tagung darum zu ermessen, wie plausibel das Spektrum anarchistischer Argumente in theoretischer Hinsicht ist, um eine gehaltvolle Perspektive nationalstaatlicher Kritik zu …

Recht hochkarätig besetzt mit , , , , und . Leider über . 🤦

#IlijaTrojanow #MichaelAlbert #konstantinwecker #HermannAmborn #PeterSeyferth #BerndDrücke #zoom #anarchismus #tagung #PHFreiburg

Last updated 4 years ago