In 2005 #MichaelBurry discovered that #CreditDefaultSwap,CDSs, a bond market instrument, had been used to shift default risk of subprime mortgages inappropriately
Another questioned product was #MortgageBackedSecurities
-MBS -
Event insurance bizz is different from lending business
Why? Imagine a Co. that insures damages to 3rd parties due to breakage of plumbing installations
If every insured pays and it is also difficult for every insured installation to break at same time,money is earned.
#MichaelBurry #creditdefaultswap #mortgagebackedsecurities
Looks like #MichaelBurry deleted his #Twitter again.
Will somebody please tell him to come over here and stop goofing around with #Elon?
Ecco i nuovi investimenti di Scion Capital di Michael Burry
#15Novembre #Attualità #azioniusa #Finanza #investimenti #michaelburry #thebigshort #USA
#usa #thebigshort #MichaelBurry #investimenti #finanza #azioniusa #attualita #15novembre
Will the #markets keep on #crashing?
#TheBigShort #MichaelBurry #crashing #markets
Will the #markets keep on #crashing?
#TheBigShort #MichaelBurry #crashing #markets
Former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke Wins Nobel Prize in Economics ‘for Research on Banks and Financial Crises’
#BenBernankeNobelPrizeinEconomics #BenBernankeineconomicsciences #FormerFedChairBenBernanke #BenBernankenobelprize #nobelprizeineconomics #FrankGiustra #GaborGurbacs #michaelburry #BenBernanke #PeterSchiff #NobelPrize #Economics
#BenBernankeNobelPrizeinEconomics #BenBernankeineconomicsciences #FormerFedChairBenBernanke #BenBernankenobelprize #nobelprizeineconomics #FrankGiustra #GaborGurbacs #MichaelBurry #BenBernanke #peterschiff #NobelPrize #economics
Will the #markets keep on #crashing? #MichaelBurry #TheBigShort
#TheBigShort #MichaelBurry #crashing #markets
Will the #markets keep on #crashing? #MichaelBurry #TheBigShort
#TheBigShort #MichaelBurry #crashing #markets
Tesla skeptic uses Megapack fire to remind everyone he ‘should be’ shorting the stock
#TeslaShortSellers #MichaelBurry #Featured #$TSLA #Tesla #News
#TeslaShortSellers #MichaelBurry #Featured #tesla #news
‘A Dangerous Looking Moment in Global Economics’ — Veteran Investor Jeremy Grantham Warns S&P 500 Could Plunge Another 26%
#GranthamMayo&vanOtterloo #Inflationarypressures #StandardandPoor's500 #legendaryinvestor #Ukraine-Russiawar #S&P500prediction #NasdaqComposite #JeremyGrantham #holidaysales #michaelburry #superbubbles #BearMarket #WallStreet
#GranthamMayo #Inflationarypressures #StandardandPoor #legendaryinvestor #Ukraine #s #nasdaqcomposite #JeremyGrantham #holidaysales #MichaelBurry #superbubbles #BearMarket #wallstreet
Experts explain what 'Big Short' Michael Burry's stock exit means for crypto
#MichaelBurrysold #MatiGreenspan #MichaelBurry #TheBigShort #Cryptocrash
#MichaelBurrysold #MatiGreenspan #MichaelBurry #TheBigShort #CryptoCrash
‘Big Short’ Investor Michael Burry Dumps All Stocks but One After Predicting Market Crash
#MichaelBurrystockholdings #MichaelBurrysoldstocks #MichaelBurryportfolio #MichaelBurrywarnings #ScionAssetManagement #MichaelBurrystocks #Scionportfolio #michaelburry #Scionstocks #Featured
#MichaelBurrystockholdings #MichaelBurrysoldstocks #MichaelBurryportfolio #MichaelBurrywarnings #ScionAssetManagement #MichaelBurrystocks #Scionportfolio #MichaelBurry #Scionstocks #Featured
‘Big Short’ Investor Michael Burry Doubts SEC Has Resources or IQ to Investigate Crypto Listings on Coinbase Correctly
#MichaelBurrycryptolistings #michaelburrycryptocurrency #MichaelBurrySECcoinbase #MichaelBurrycoinbase #michaelburrycrypto #bigshortinvestor #MichaelBurrySEC #michaelburry #TheBigShort #Regulation
#MichaelBurrycryptolistings #michaelburrycryptocurrency #MichaelBurrySECcoinbase #MichaelBurrycoinbase #michaelburrycrypto #bigshortinvestor #MichaelBurrySEC #MichaelBurry #TheBigShort #regulation
#MichaelBurry deletes his tweets shortly after posting them. There's BurryArchive, but it's screenshots. Is there a way I can subscribe to his tweets on Android where the tweets won't disappear when he deletes them? A FediBot would be ideal.
#MichaelBurry drops #redpills in epic #Twitter rant
#Twitter #redpills #MichaelBurry
Michael Burry of ‘The Big Short’ reveals a $530 million bet against Tesla
I don't know what Mr.Musk is thinking about.
I don't know whether Tesla is safe or not.
#michaelburry #ScionAssetManagement #Scion #Musk #ElonMuskShutUp #ElonMusk #Tesla
#tesla #elonmusk #ElonMuskShutUp #musk #scion #ScionAssetManagement #MichaelBurry