Serdar Aytamaner · @serdaraytamaner
110 followers · 177 posts · Server

Çakallar önce bir 5 bölüm yayınlayıp tadını damağımızda bıraktılar, 10 gün sonra gelecek ikinci 5 bölüm çok daha heyecanlı görünüyor.

#MichaelConnelly #LincolnLawyer

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Sentance · @MichaelSentance
223 followers · 660 posts · Server

The “Lincoln Lawyer” series is no “Bosch”.

#bingewatching #Netflix #bosch #MichaelConnelly

Last updated 1 year ago

Patti Aliventi · @PattiNH
19 followers · 197 posts · Server
Patti Aliventi · @PattiNH
19 followers · 192 posts · Server
L'ours inculte · @oursinculte
489 followers · 544 posts · Server

Petit détour par le roman policier aujourd'hui avec le grand Michael Connelly qui nous livre une nouvelle enquête de Jack McEvoy dans Séquences mortelles. Pas son meilleur, mais un Connelly moyen reste très prenant.

#mastolivre #MichaelConnelly #fairwarning #sequencesmortelles

Last updated 2 years ago

L'ours inculte · @oursinculte
487 followers · 576 posts · Server

Nouvelle lecture : Petit détour hors SFFF avec Fair Warning (Séquences Mortelles en VF) de Michael Connelly, j'ai un petit retard sur les sorties de cet auteur incontournable pour moi. Mais je rattrape !

#mastolivre #MichaelConnelly #fairwarning #polar

Last updated 2 years ago

DaN McKee · @Authenticdmckee
181 followers · 156 posts · Server

OK - who else on here hates cops, actively opposes and , fights for BUT still has some deep-routed cultural love for the deeply problematic crime genre? 😂

Not the real gung-go pro-cop stuff. I can’t stomach that. But usually the outsider/rogue/maverick/genius/righteous cop in a precinct of bad apples type gimmick. (Like how, technically most super-hero stories are cop stories).

I grew up adoring mysteries, and watched them with my mother - they will always make me think of her - as well as my best friend. too. , . Stuff like that. And I really like the books of , which I’ve been reading since I was a teen, as well as a few other writers. I loved and too. All perpetuate the propaganda of carceral logic - the cops ‘have’ to catch the ‘bad’ guy and either jail them, or often outright kill them (which the writer tries to make us root for!) and even corrupt cops are caught by cops and, (we are trained to hope), put in jail by the end. Often they also perpetuate a justification of police brutality too - assault, lies and terror are justified to catch a ‘crook’ by any means necessary, etc., etc… Truly terrible stuff. BUT shamefully enjoyable as a work of fiction still because of a lifetime of tropes and cultural programming.

Anyone else have this problem too? And are there any good anti-cop and anti-carceral murder mysteries out there? Is Crime a genre? Should it be? Or do I just need some cultural de-programming? 😂

Thinking out loud here as I’ve just bought the latest Michael Connelly and am excited to read it…

#prisons #policing #Abolition #columbo #MurderSheWrote #sherlockholmes #monk #MichaelConnelly #crime #Luther #LineOfDuty #acab

Last updated 2 years ago

Constanze Scheib · @ConstanzeScheib
178 followers · 764 posts · Server

Wenn ich einen Connelly aufschlage, ziehts mich so rein, dass ich nicht mehr aufhören kann. Schwupps, schon bin ich bei der Hälfte!
Lese gerade "Schwarzes Eis" - Boschs 2. Fall.

#lesen #bosch #MichaelConnelly

Last updated 3 years ago