M. GrĂ©goire · @mpjgregoire
235 followers · 14262 posts · Server mamot.fr

On the other hand, the article reveals that had three wives and countless affairs. Of course one can think deep thoughts while being a scoundrel in personal affairs, but so often our thinking is rationalisation of our personal failings...


Last updated 4 years ago

M. GrĂ©goire · @mpjgregoire
235 followers · 14262 posts · Server mamot.fr

"did not believe that the practical world could be understood by the rational mind alone. He was thus a fierce critic of central planning, of the ability of a government to solve the problems people could not solve themselves. He saw the hideous, self-defeating paradox of trying to change the everyday world from a distance based on a theory."


#thespectator #conservatism #andrewsullivan #MichaelOakeshott

Last updated 4 years ago