An informal take on #morality in a single sentence by #MichaelShermer:
“Try to expand the moral sphere and to push the arc of the moral universe just a bit further toward truth, justice, and freedom for more sentient beings in more places more of the time.”
#philosophy #morality #MichaelShermer #ethics
#MichaelShermer - Does the #Cosmos Have a #Reason?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfCosmology #Science #Cosmology #Intentionality #Metaphysics #Teleology #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #teleology #metaphysics #intentionality #cosmology #science #PhilosophyOfCosmology #philosophyofscience #philosophy #reason #cosmos #MichaelShermer
#MichaelShermer - How #BeliefSystems Affect #Believers
How do belief systems work their credulous magic? What principles enable belief systems to influence individuals and commandeer groups?
#Philosophy #Psychology #NeuralNets #NeuralNetworks #OriginsOfBelief #Tribalism #Rationalism #Rationality #Politics
#politics #rationality #rationalism #tribalism #OriginsOfBelief #neuralnetworks #NeuralNets #psychology #philosophy #Believers #BeliefSystems #MichaelShermer