📡 September 7, 2023: Western Journal > Roger Stone, Newt Gingrich and even The Western Journal’s own Floyd Brown have all predicted that #MichelleObama could be the next #Democratic presidential nominee. – Democratic Party https://companiesexpress.wordpress.com/2023/09/08/%f0%9f%93%a1-september-7-2023-headlines-roger-stone-newt-gingrich-and-even-the-western-journals-own-floyd-brown-have-all-predicted-that-michelle-obama-could-be-the-next-democratic-pre/
@6G @SrRochardBunson After leaving the #WhiteHouse , former #FirstLady #MichelleObama has become a writer and philanthropist instead of resuming her law career.
But has #MelaniaTrump resumed her career as an ‘escort’ and soft porn model? 🤔
#whitehouse #firstlady #MichelleObama #melaniatrump #wheresmelania
Lustig: Das ist wie hierzulande der Umgang mit den #noAfD-Wähler*innen (im #Osten).
Irgendwie scheint das aber keine*r wahrhaben zu wollen.
Na, macht nichts, ich sag's noch ein paar Mal. =:-)
#noafd #osten #MichelleObama #usa #trump #demokratie
@SouthernGuerilla "Funny." #MichelleObama has similar shoulders to your bareback! I wonder if 'she' 'single-hands chainsaws' (when no one is watching?!) (How many 'oak trees' has 'she' 'bitched'?)
Yah, Michael...
#MichelleObama #Scotus #collegeadmissions2023
#MichelleObama #scotus #collegeadmissions2023
Sagt, was ihr wollt, aber ich finds ziemlich unwürdig, wie sich die Obamas als käufliche Event-Teilnehmer durch die Welt huren. Brauchen die die Kohle wirklich so dringend? Wenns wenigstens inhaltlich passen würde. Aber was hat Michelle #Obama inhaltlich zu einem Event rund um Startup-Gründungen beizutragen?
#Obama #MichelleObama
#MichelleObama’s juice brand fails her own #healthstandards
#MichelleObama #healthstandards
@EddieCurrent It looks real, possibly taken at #DonaldTheDeplorable ’s inauguration. The angle is weird. I think #MangoMussolini is trying to say something in #MichelleObama ‘s ear when there is a lot of background noise.
#donaldthedeplorable #mangomussolini #MichelleObama
Former First Lady #MichelleObama dishes it out on #DonaldTheDeplorable ’s crowd size! 😂 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/michelle-obama-trump-inauguration-lie_n_6406e47ae4b0586db70f9f78
#SaveAmerica from the #DarkMAGA cult of glorified ignorance and death ☠️ from disinformation.
#MichelleObama #donaldthedeplorable #saveamerica #DarkMAGA
[VIDEO] Why Does Michelle Keep Humiliating Her Husband?
#MichelleObama #BarackObama #Humiliating
#Humiliating #barackobama #MichelleObama
Photos: 2 Million Views On A Twitter Thread That Asks A Picture Of Michelle Obama Pregnant & Still No Picture – We Finally Solved That Conspiracy
#MichelleObama #Pregnant #Twitter #Thread #Conspiracy
#Conspiracy #thread #Twitter #pregnant #MichelleObama
#TwitterFiles reveal #Trump ban came after #MichelleObama, others pressured the company: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/twitter-files-reveal-trump-ban-came-after-michelle-obama-others-pressured-company
#MichelleObama #Trump #TwitterFiles
#DonaldTrump Ban on #Twitter Came After #MichelleObama aka Michael LaVaughn Robinson #Obama Demanded Removal - #BigMike #FloppyMike https://www.analyzingamerica.org/2022/12/676683/
#FloppyMike #BigMike #obama #MichelleObama #Twitter #donaldtrump
Michelle Obama's quick-fire questions round
Michelle Obama 2024 with Joel Gilbert
#MichelleObama #president #election2024 #JoelGilbert #brannonhowselive #brannonhowse
#BrannonHowse #BrannonHowseLive #JoelGilbert #election2024 #president #MichelleObama
Michelle Obama Is Running for President in 2024
#MichelleObama #Running #President2024
#President2024 #running #MichelleObama
Joe Biden Appears to Fall Asleep During Commissioning Ceremony for USS Delaware, Claims Michelle Obama was ‘Vice President’
#JoeBiden #FallAsleep #USSDelaware #MichelleObama #VicePresident
#vicepresident #MichelleObama #USSDelaware #FallAsleep #JoeBiden
......and? .....
#Obama #MichelleObama #BillClinton #Hillary
#hillary #billclinton #MichelleObama #obama
Michelle Obama Is a Man: Michael LaVaughn Robinson (video)
#MichelleObama #Man #MichaelLaVaughnRobinson
#MichaelLaVaughnRobinson #man #MichelleObama