We found a series of images showing a former Eagle Street storefront being destroyed in December 1967 for what was likely a #Dearborn Fire Department exercise. The building was likely acquired through an #urbanrenewal program that was forcing out residents in favor of higher tax paying industrial properties.
#dearborn #UrbanRenewal #MichiganHistory
Ever wonder what Eastern #Dearborn looked like 150 years ago?
This map from an 1876 Wayne County #atlas shows Michigan Avenue had a dense concentration of farm houses. If you look at the farm properties on this map, you'll notice namesake families for quite a few Dearborn streets.
#vintagemaps #MichiganHistory
#dearborn #atlas #vintagemaps #MichiganHistory
We had a person recently request a copy of this photo of Carlysle at Vassar in #Dearborn taken in October 1946. It took until after World War II for much of that area down into southern #DearbornHeights to be developed.
#dearborn #DearbornHeights #MichiganHistory
Here are some things that interest me but aren't in my profile:
#ClimateResilience #Maps #SiberianCats #HistoricalEcology
#RescueDogs #DarkBeer #Beer
#LandBack #INTJ
#NCAABasketball #SMCGaels
#MichiganHistory #bikeabilityscore #leveloftrafficstress #climaterestoration #ClimateAdaptation #climateresilience #maps #siberiancats #historicalecology #RescueDogs #darkbeer #beer #nativeamericans #medicinewheel #landback #intj #CaNativePlants #alamedacreekwatershed #mountdiablo #SilverState508 #Coffeeneuring #RegenerativeAgriculture #ncaabasketball #SMCGaels
For those joining mastodon recently, we're a local #history #museum and #archive in the #Detroit suburb of #Dearborn #Michigan. Follow us if you want more #MichiganHistory , #urbanhistory, and #culturalhistory content in your feed
#culturalhistory #urbanhistory #MichiganHistory #michigan #dearborn #detroit #archive #museum #history
My boss found in a closet today an old 1950 calendar with prints of #Detroit on it. I love this one showing Detroit in 1860.
#americancivilwar #MichiganHistory
#MichiganHistory #americancivilwar #detroit
Querfeld Funeral Home in #Dearborn recently closed. The business started as an #ambulance service around the late teens and opened a #funeral parlor in 1925. This photo shows some of their ambulances around 1929.
#MichiganHistory #medicalhistory
#medicalhistory #MichiganHistory #funeral #ambulance #dearborn
We are a local history museum and archive that occupies three 1830s buildings in Dearborn #Michigan. As we rely on a broad base of social media to spread of our museum, we thought we'd try mastodon. Our museum serves as a general history museum and archive for the City of #Dearborn. As a result, we'll be posting a wide variety of things related to Dearborn, Detroit, and even #MichiganHistory.
#MichiganHistory #dearborn #michigan
My most interesting work duty this past week was photographing the oldest halal meat market in Michigan. The #Dearborn business started in the 1940s. #MichiganHistory