#MickLynch Is SCHOOLING The Media Again
"Transport itself is a liberation vehicle. It liberates working-class communities. If it’s cheap, affordable, safe, well-scheduled, and all the rest of it, you certainly get an uplift....The Tories just want to cut it to the bone because they’re not interested in it. They don’t use it; it’s not in their communities. Their people are driving around in Range Rovers"
Good interview with Mick Lynch of the RMT in #Tribune
#RailStrikes #Railways #UKPolitics #MickLynch #RMT
#RMT #MickLynch #ukpolitics #Railways #RailStrikes #tribune
#MickLynch #Tories are stripping you of your civil rights.
On pourrait peut-être inviter Mick Lynch...
#MickLynch #Lynch #RMT #grève #strike #UK #unions #syndicats #salaires #inflation #gigeconomy #casualized #précariat #deliveroo #uber #autoentrepreneurs #retraites #travail #labour #pensions #workers
#MickLynch #lynch #RMT #greve #strike #uk #unions #syndicats #salaires #inflation #gigeconomy #casualized #precariat #deliveroo #uber #autoentrepreneurs #retraites #travail #labour #pensions #workers
I will never understand ordinary people cheering on #MickLynch he worked very hard to persuade people to vote #Brexit and is an avowed Marxist who wants to overthrow capitalism and install a Marxist gvt. They may well find him charming and articulate but he has an agenda.
#MickLynch #GretaThunberg #FeargalSharkey #Stormzy #MaxinePeake #JulianAssange #JackMonroe #JeremyCorbyn #GinaMiller #NimcoAli #MichaelSheen #NasirAfzal #SirDavidAttenborough #ZaraSultana #GeorgeMonbiot #KenLoach #Malala Yousafzai #BaronessDoreenLawrence
#MickLynch #gretathunberg #FeargalSharkey #Stormzy #MaxinePeake #julianassange #jackmonroe #JeremyCorbyn #ginamiller #NimcoAli #MichaelSheen #nasirafzal #sirdavidattenborough #zarasultana #GeorgeMonbiot #kenloach #malala #baronessdoreenlawrence
#JustinWebb in conversation with #MickLynch on #BBC #Radio4 Today programme:
"But a Whitehall source has told the Telegraph....."
Is this what counts for evidence these days?
How Mick Lynch manages to keeps his cool is very impressive.
Webb just parroting the government's *anonymous* propaganda.
#justinwebb #MickLynch #bbc #Radio4 #rmt
Rishi Sunak's First 100 Days RIPPED APART | George Monbiot - YouTube
#LizTruss #BorisJohnson #RishiSunak #Tory #ConservativeParty #Unions #Conservatives #Poverty #UK #UnitedKingdom #government #NHS #Tories #PrimeMinister #PM #Sunak #Strikes #100Days #BBC #RichardSharp #Loan #NadhimZahawi #TaxBill #Sacked #GrantShapps #NHSCrisis #Crisis #Education #tax #BBC_chairman #MickLynch #RMT #TradeUnion #Police #CrimeBill #Labour #Starmer
#liztruss #BorisJohnson #rishisunak #tory #conservativeparty #unions #conservatives #poverty #uk #unitedkingdom #government #nhs #tories #primeminister #pm #Sunak #strikes #100days #bbc #richardsharp #loan #NadhimZahawi #taxbill #sacked #grantshapps #nhscrisis #crisis #education #tax #bbc_chairman #MickLynch #rmt #tradeunion #police #crimebill #labour #starmer
Monday 30th January is the next push for Tory control over workers rights. If you're anywhere near close enough to get there...
Before it's too late.
#MickLynch. #MichaelRosen. #ZarahSultana
#righttostrike #EnoughIsEnough #DowningStreet #MickLynch #michaelrosen #ZarahSultana
Great speech from the leader of the opposition, Mick Lynch.
Keir #Starmer is a serial liar.
#SocialistSunday #MickLynch #Labour
#Starmer #SocialistSunday #MickLynch #Labour
#MickLynch takes aim at Keir #Starmer and Liberal #Press
#journalism #news #media #labour #tories #strike #rights #press #starmer #MickLynch
The sheer chutzpah of this man. He’s lucky he’s got enough connections to stay out of prison, let alone point fingers at #MickLynch who unlike himself, is actually REPRESENTING hardworking people. #NadhimZahawi #TaxEvaderZahawi #wato #bbcpm @RMTunion@twitter.com #GTTO
#gtto #bbcpm #wato #taxevaderzahawi #NadhimZahawi #MickLynch
Mick Lynch highlight of the week.
what about when we're not on strike when the train service is absolutely useless as well
#MickLynch #ukpolitics #rail #union #RMT #strike
This poll from Opinium is not good news for the Tories and Sunak.
#RailStrikes #rmt #MickLynch #RishiSunak
At last. My first copy of #Tribune in 2023 is here. Looking forward to reading articles by #MickLynch #ZarahSultana and the interview with #JarvisCocker plus lots more. Worth every penny.
#JarvisCocker #ZarahSultana #MickLynch #tribune